Laurentia Lombaard took to the stand again on Tuesday, this time for cross-examination by the defence counsel, who poked holes at her testimony.
Previously an accused in the matter concerning the disappearance of 6-year-old Joshlin Smith, Lombaard became a State witness in October last year.
When asked by the State why, she said: “I told myself that I was going to speak the truth as I could no longer hide things”.
Lawyer to Jacquen "Boeta" Appollis, Fanie Harmse began his cross-examination.
He asked Lombaard whether she decided to confess to what she knows regarding the matter and she confirmed.
@iolnews JOSHLIN SMITH TRIAL UPDATE | Laurentia Lombaard is on the stand, under cross examination by defence attorneys. VIDEO: Robin-Lee Francke/IOL #JoshlinSmithTrial #JoshlinSmith #joshlinsmithlatestupdate #breakingnews #joshlinmissing #iolnews ♬ original sound - IOL NEWS
He also questioned her about her boyfriend, Ayanda Letoni.
Letoni has been mentioned multiple times as he was the owner of the carwash in Middelpos.
Lombaard also explained that Letoni had left Saldanha Bay in March 2024, before her incarceration.
Harmse wanted to know if there had been any interactions between Letoni and Joshlin.
“No, there were not. Ayanda knew it was Kelly’s child. They just knew each other from seeing one another,” Lombaard told the court.
The court also previously heard that Appollis worked alongside Letoni at the carwash.
Harmse asked Lombaard if she knew how much he earned.
“He helped about a day or two, and I am not sure, it depends how many cars came to the car wash,” Lombaard testified.
Harmse went back to her previous testimony where she claimed Letoni had sold drugs from their home but stopped.
“I can’t say exactly when he stopped but it was 2022/2023,” Lombaard said.
While Harmse brought up the fact that she was a drug user, he also made it sound nonsensical that Letoni would stop selling drugs.
“Ayanda was a drinker. As the drugs would sell, he would drink the money up. Yes, he bought him alcohol from money from the carwash, but it depended on how each day went. The car wash was not busy every day,” Lombard said.
Harmse asked Lombaard how many times she smoked drugs.
“I smoke drugs two or three times a day,” Lombaard said.
Previously, Lombaard also testified that she smoked drugs with Joshlin's mother, Raquel "Kelly" Smith and Appollis, but never at her home as Letoni was too strict.
However, when she had her tik (methamphetamine) and lolly, she would smoke at home.
Harmse was left with an egg on his face as he tried to make Lombaard believe this was not what she said.
“Going back to my evidence, you said Kelly and Boeta smoke by my house, Ayanda is strict,” Harmse submitted.
However, the State and Judge Nathan Erasmus jumped in stating this was incorrect.
Judge Erasmus implored the defense to go through the record and see for himself.
The trial continues.
Cape Argus