Families mark new year grieving young high school sweethearts who died in car crash

The families of Armandt le Roux, 20, and Cailin Fourie, 19, spent the new year grieving the loss of the couple who died in a car accident just before Christmas. Picture: Vasti Spiller

The families of Armandt le Roux, 20, and Cailin Fourie, 19, spent the new year grieving the loss of the couple who died in a car accident just before Christmas. Picture: Vasti Spiller

Published Jan 3, 2023


Cape Town - Instead of marking the new year with celebration, two families bid farewell to their two children who died in a horrific car crash over the Christmas weekend just outside of Uniondale.

The families reflected on the loss as the pair were cremated on Friday.

The couple Armandt le Roux, 20, and Cailin Fourie, 19, were driving to Johannesburg to spend the holidays with their families when they were involved in the collision.

The two were both from Krugersdorp and attended North-West University and Monument High School, where they first met and started dating.

As previously reported by the Weekend Argus, they were in Mossel Bay for two weeks with Fourie’s family and would have spent Christmas with Le Roux’s loved ones if not for the accident.

They were both cremated on Friday, December 30, in George and the families were still busy making funeral arrangements for Krugersdorp.

Fourie’s sister, Chariska Fourie, said the two were high school sweethearts who never stopped “pursuing each other and falling in love … they were the fairytale every little girl dreams about”.

The families of Armandt le Roux, 20, and Cailin Fourie, 19, spent the new year grieving the loss of the couple who died in a car accident just before Christmas. Picture: Vasti Spiller

Le Roux’s older brother Anro said, “Armandt and Cailin’s story is the equivalent of a modern-day Romeo and Juliet to me. They both loved each other so much that they simply could not live without one another.

“We will forever keep Armandt and Cailin in our hearts and miss them dearly.”

Le Roux was studying mechanical and electrical engineering, with dreams of becoming a farmer after varsity, and Fourie was studying towards an education degree, passionate about cycling and intending to become a cycling coach.

Chariska said, “They were both the biggest dreamers. Cailin had so many cycling aspirations and had a heart for teaching and just loving children. While Armandt would have changed the world as an engineer and had so many plans and aspirations for their family farm.”

Anro said Armandt was the youngest member of the family and the news was devastating not only for the family but everyone that knew him.

“They were both in the prime of their lives with bright futures ahead of them. Both families, although they are grieving, are trying to celebrate the lives that they lived and the legacy left behind,” Anro said.

The families of Armandt le Roux, 20, and Cailin Fourie, 19, spent the new year grieving the loss of the couple who died in a car accident just before Christmas. Picture: Vasti Spiller

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