Parents picket outside a high school in Goodwood over public demotion announcement

Parents picketed outside J. G Meiring High School yesterday. Picture: Supplied

Parents picketed outside J. G Meiring High School yesterday. Picture: Supplied

Published Jan 23, 2024


Cape Town - Concerned parents picketed outside a high school in Goodwood on Monday over a number of issues which include demoting learners.

On Monday morning, about 40 people stood outside JG Meiring High School with placards that read: “Kids’ demotions announced over school intercom”, “We want a safe school”, “Bailey must be removed”, “WCED throws a blind eye” and “Pass: 12 Dec 23. Fail: 17 Jan 24 – parents not informed.”

Parent Frankie Ricardo Nero said they are not happy about many issues at the school.

“On December 12 learners received a pass and last week they were told over the intercom that they didn’t pass. They were told that there was an error in their report cards.

“We are not happy about that because this has left children traumatised, with some who have decided to drop out of school.

“This happened to 40 learners from Grade 8 to 11. Normally a child can’t move on to the next class if they fail three subjects but they were told that they passed even though the three subjects were not successful. Why were the reports signed off then?”

The other issue they highlighted was the choice of subjects.

Parents picketed outside J. G Meiring High School yesterday. Picture: Mandilakhe Tshwete
Parents picketed outside J. G Meiring High School yesterday. Picture: Supplied

“Children were told to choose the subject they would do in Grade 10, in October, and parents signed but this year the school told them they couldn’t do it.

“And now they are forced to do subjects that won’t help them study what they want in college.

“We have many more issues, and the parents gave a memorandum to the department but nothing was done about it.

“Our children are bullied by teachers and schoolmates.”

Nero said the learners were told there was no stationery at the school.

“The school wasn’t ready to reopen, and we must keep quiet.

“We thought we should have the two-hour peaceful picketing because we wanted to make a statement and show them we are not happy,” he said.

Parents picketed outside J. G Meiring High School yesterday. Picture: Supplied

WCED spokesperson Millicent Merton said as far as they know, no learner at JG Meiring High School was “demoted” when school started last week.

“More information on this has been requested. We have yet to receive names to verify this allegation. No learners were denied books. Learners received their books as soon as the school received their stationery order.

“The school has a subject choice policy that was made available to all parents. The policy indicates that the school will only be able to accommodate a limited number of learners for subjects like Maths and Physical Sciences. This is also as a result of the decision at the budgeting meeting last year to keep the increase in school fees at a minimum.

“The school is willing to discuss the available subject choices with the affected learners and their parents. A small group of parents held a placard demonstration yesterday morning. The district office will address their concerns.”

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