CAT practical exams go off without a hitch in the Western Cape

A total of 11 731 candidates sat for the CAT practical exam.

A total of 11 731 candidates sat for the CAT practical exam.

Published Oct 25, 2023


The Computer Applications Technology (CAT) practical exams went off without a hitch on Tuesday, the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) said.

“No incidents were reported during the CAT practical exam, with the exam proceeding smoothly in the Western Cape.

“We are pleased that we did not have to contend with load shedding or other power failures this year, and hope that the same will be true of the Information Technology exam on Wednesday,” said Education MEC, David Maynier.

A total of 11 731 candidates sat for the CAT practical exam on Tuesday, while 1 000 candidates were expected to sit for the Information Technology practical exam on Wednesday.

The 2023 National Senior Certificate (NSC) exams in the Western Cape will be written at 469 exam centres, and be overseen by 1 878 invigilators who will keep a close eye on proceedings and any potential irregularities.

Marking will get under way after the final written exam, and 928 000 exam scripts will be marked by 4 158 markers and checked by 1 046 mark-checkers.

The national results announcement will take place on January 18, 2024, and results will be available to learners at schools and online on Friday, January 19, 2024.

The subject with the most candidates writing is Mathematical Literacy, with 51 575 candidates writing Paper 1 on Friday, November 3, and Paper 2 on Monday November 6.

Cape Times