No option but to go to court over Bowman report: De Lille

Patricia de Lille

Patricia de Lille

Published Oct 29, 2018


Cape Town - Outgoing Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille used the platform presented by the Cape Town Press Club on Monday to highlight the many successes and challenges during her term of office.

The mayor was speaking three days before she is expected to vacate her position, following an agreement with party leader Mmusi Maimane after more than a year and a half of political infighting and three court victories for De Lille.

De Lille described her relationship with the party as an "abusive" one and said she faced opposition within certain members of the DA who were “hell-bent” on ousting her from her position.

The mayor told the press club that she was the only option left to her was to turn to the Western Cape High to set aside the forensic investigation conducted by law firm Bowman Gilfillan into corruption and maladministration at the City.

The reports were meant to tabled before a full council sitting last week where de Lille was delivering what was meant to be her final address, taking the opportunity to blast her detractors.

De Lille also announced her intention to sue for defamation those who she says smeared her name.

As October 31 draws near De Lille said she would follow due process and approach each day as it came.

Cape Times

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