Family of slain teacher in shock after 6 shot dead in drive-by attack

Thulile Thusi, a teacher at Ngcede Primary School was gunned down on Monday evening with five others including her two children aged five and two in the Entshele area in Ezakheni. | Supplied

Thulile Thusi, a teacher at Ngcede Primary School was gunned down on Monday evening with five others including her two children aged five and two in the Entshele area in Ezakheni. | Supplied

Published Jun 20, 2024


Durban — The family of a teacher who was gunned down on Monday evening with five others in Ladysmith are still in shock.

Thulile Thusi, 37, was a teacher at Ngcede Primary School in Ladysmith. She was ambushed by unknown men who sprayed the bakkie she was in with bullets, killing six occupants instantly.

The teacher was with family members and her two children, who died with her. The children were Limehill High School pupils.

Smanga Thwala, Thusi’s younger brother, said he still could not believe his sister had passed away.

“I still do not believe it because the last time we spoke was not so long ago on Monday morning. She and I were chatting and laughing on the phone. It was a shock to me when I received a phone call from my brother’s wife that night, informing me that I should phone home because there had been an incident with my sister’s car.

“When I called home my father just greeted me with the news that my sister had passed away, saying, ‘my son, your sisters have perished’. I just felt the tears trickling down my face. I found a secluded place to cry,” said Thwala.

He said his disbelief stems from his sister’s personality, since she was a person who loved joking around, especially when there was a family gathering. Thwala said that she would arrive and light up the room with her warm presence, adding she always brought goodies with her car.

“I am still asking myself why God would take away such a kind soul in such a terrible way, alongside my niece, who was humble and always full of laughter. They (the killers) committed a serious sin to our family; right now I do not know how I will even look at their coffins,” he said.

Thwala further stated that he wishes for his other sisters in the hospital to get well soon and he could not question God’s will. He said that the funeral arrangements had not been concluded yet.

Thulile Thusi, a teacher at Ngcede Primary School was gunned down on Monday evening with five others including her two children aged five and two in the Entshele area in Ezakheni. | Supplied

KwaZulu-Natal police spokesperson Colonel Robert Netshiunda said that the motive for the killing was still unknown.

Police were appealing to anyone who might have information regarding the whereabouts of the suspects to contact the nearest police station or call the crime stop number 08600 10111.

“Information at police disposal at this stage indicates that 12 people were travelling in a bakkie on Helpmekaar Road when another vehicle approached and its occupants opened fire at the bakkie.

“Six women aged 37, two 17-year-olds, a 15-year-old and girl children aged five and two years old were declared dead at the scene. Two men and three more women survived the shooting with injuries and were rushed to hospital. A 21-year-old woman escaped the shooting unharmed,” said Netshiunda.

The Department of Education in KwaZulu-Natal said that its new MEC Sipho Hlomuka mourns the tragic loss of Thusi. The department described her as a dedicated teacher.

“Our heartfelt condolences go out to the families affected by this senseless violence. We stand in solidarity with them during this difficult time. May their souls rest in peace,” said Hlomuka.

National Teachers’ Union (Natu) general secretary Doctor Ngema said that Natu was deeply disheartened and dismayed by the attack of a defenceless women and children.

“We condemn the attack on the life of Mrs Thusi. We are deeply concerned about the attacks on our teachers in KZN. We are worried as to why our teachers have become targets of criminals.

“We also understand that some educators may be breadwinners at home and their dependants will suffer. We are calling on law enforcement to investigate this matter thoroughly. We wish to send a message of condolences to her colleagues at this difficult time,” said Ngema.

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