The people have spoken — we want change

Residents of Malukazi near Umlazi patiently stood in a long queue to cast their votes while ANC, IFP and MK Party representatives chanted Struggle songs outside Windy Heights Primary School in Malukazi. | TUMI PAKKIES Independent Newspapers

Residents of Malukazi near Umlazi patiently stood in a long queue to cast their votes while ANC, IFP and MK Party representatives chanted Struggle songs outside Windy Heights Primary School in Malukazi. | TUMI PAKKIES Independent Newspapers

Published May 30, 2024


Durban — A demand for better service delivery was the common thread among voters at polling stations in Durban, on Wednesday.

Chatsworth resident Jerome Koopersamy, after casting his vote at the Depot Memorial Primary School, said he voted to see change in the country and the area he lived in.

“The current party which is the DA that is running the ward here in Westcliff has been neglected with all requests it put through to the municipality not being attended to.

“I know this because I work very closely with the area councillor. I know that the councillor does not get any benefit from the ruling party.

“A lot of applications have been put through to the municipality and because the ward is DA run once the application gets to a stage where it has to be approved it is declined.”

Koopersamy said he felt the ruling party wanted residents to think that the DA was not doing anything for the ward.

“It’s sad that the hard work of the councillor is sometimes in vain.”

— Daily News (@DailyNewsSA) May 29, 2024

Another Chatsworth resident, Roshina Govender, said she wanted to see the children in the community get a proper education.

“Currently our education system is really bad, children are not getting the proper education that they need. There are always robberies at schools.

“There is an issue of drugs in the area and through my vote I’d also like to see crime reduced in the community. We have drug lords, dealers and users in our area.

“We can’t even hang our clothes on our washing lines to dry because drug addicts trespass to steal them. They break into our homes and steal.

“We work hard for the things we have. We want more police visibility in the area and an increase in capacity when it comes to Community Policing Forums (CPFs).”

Chatsworth resident Roshina Govender. Picture: Anelisa Kubheka

At the voting station at the Sydenham Primary School shack dweller, Vusi Mthembu, said the conditions they lived in were appalling and hoped that the newly elected political leadership would address the issue.

“There are no ablution facilities, we live in structures that are not safe when there are heavy rains. We are all cramped in a community where different types of people live and our children are exposed to an unsuitable environment.

“We want housing, and not live in shacks anymore so that we are provided with proper electricity. I’ve lived in a shack for more than 20 years and I have seen no change over the years.”

Sydenham resident Vusi Mthembu. Picture: Anelisa Kubheka

Another resident, Judel Augustus, said she was voting to see a change when it came to crime, especially murders, racism, and unfairness.

“Things need to change, employment opportunities need to be created. For 30 years this country has been run by the ANC and we have seen no change, no jobs.

“I’m unemployed and I am coloured. As coloureds, we are not recognised and given first preference in anything in this country, especially when it comes to jobs. In all areas coloureds are never noticed like the other races in this country, it’s like we are a lost nation.”

Sydenham resident Judel Augustus. Picture: Anelisa Kubheka

Sydenham resident, Mohammed Naseer Khan, said he was voting to see more equality among the people as well as the load shedding issue being addressed.

“Everybody speaks about a rainbow nation, we would like to see a rainbow nation; at the moment we see the elite run the country.

Sydenham resident Mohammed Naseer Khan. Picture: Anelisa Kubheka

Pensioner Audrey Makhosazana Duma, who cast her vote in Burlington, Shallcross, said her main concern in her area was leaking water pipes which saw roads destroyed.

“There are burst sewage pipes all over this community and they are not attended to. I am voting to see a better functioning municipality to address these service delivery issues.”

Pensioner Audrey Makhosazana Duma cast her vote in Burlington, Shallcross. Picture: Anelisa Kubheka

Sarah Ramkissoon from Orient Hills said that she decided to vote so that social ills such as unemployment, load shedding and crime are addressed by the government.

“We need a very big change in South Africa because we are done and dusted with corruption. We want our country and locality to be run free and fairly. We demand work for our kids and no crime. We want to be peaceful and vote,” she said.

— Daily News (@DailyNewsSA) May 29, 2024

Westville resident, Krishen Shah, 46, said “This is a historic moment to be part of trying to foster democracy and get the country going. Voting forms an important part of that.”

Shah said that the relationship with political parties is like an abusive relationship as the citizens get harshly treated for four years, and then get their flowers in the fifth year.

He added that the newly elected government should focus on service delivery.

“The government has a policy to serve the people first - which clearly doesn’t happen. I can’t understand why 30 years on, we still have schools with pit latrines and still have informal settlements; as well people with no water. I hope the new government can focus on that and law enforcement. If they can sort out this and lawless driving, everything else will fall into place.”

Westville resident Krishen Shah, 46, hopes these elections can help foster democracy and help the country forward. Picture: Ntuthuko Mlondo

Hillcrest resident Justin Stent, 64; “I think it’s really important for us to get together and vote. Everyone needs to go and vote. When the new government is elected, locally, they need to prioritise roads and infrastructure. They also need to sort out basics like water and electricity. Nationally, they need to sort out the unemployment crisis and education.”

Hillcrest resident Justin Stent, 64, said local government needs to focus on infrastructure and roads while national government focuses on unemployment. Picture: Ntuthuko Mlondo

And 22-year-old Zaradene Doubleday Eaton, from Hillcrest shared that it was her first time voting.

She said, “I want the elected government to focus on infrastructure – specifically damaged roads – and for them to focus on finding new employment opportunities for the youth.”

Zaradene Doubleday Eaton, 22, hopes that youth employment and infrastructure can be tackled. Picture: Ntuthuko Mlondo

Phoenix resident, Alicia Chetty, 40, said it was her first time voting primarily because she didn’t believe that there was strong opposition to the contest.

“I am excited about voting and looking for a change in the country. I am hoping with this change, the issues of development in Phoenix can be sorted – particularly the water crisis, electricity and roads. Hopefully, the party I vote for comes into action and makes the changes.”

She added that they hope the new government can address this because the crisis has been ongoing for years.

First-time voter Alicia Chetty, 40, said that she hopes the water issue in Phoenix is addressed. Picture: Ntuthuko Mlondo

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