Two employees airlifted after sustaining burn wounds in industrial accident

IPSS Medical Rescue responded to an industrial site in the Mandeni area after two employees suffered burns during an accident. | IPSS Medical Rescue

IPSS Medical Rescue responded to an industrial site in the Mandeni area after two employees suffered burns during an accident. | IPSS Medical Rescue

Published Jun 11, 2024


Durban — Two employees had to be airlifted to facilities after an industrial accident left them in critical condition.

IPSS Medical Rescue spokesperson Samantha Meyrick said on Monday afternoon, IPSS Medical Rescue responded to an industrial site in the Mandeni area after two employees suffered burns during an accident.

“On arrival, IPSS Medical Advanced Life Support quickly established the severity of the burns and began the work of stabilising both critical patients,” Meyrick said.

“The decision was made to activate two medivac helicopters from the Air Mercy Service (AMS) and Netcare 911. Both patients have been airlifted to facilities that are equipped to deal with burns of this nature.”

IPSS Medical Rescue responded to an industrial site in the Mandeni area after two employees suffered burns during an accident. | IPSS Medical Rescue

Last month, Netcare general manager of emergency, trauma, transplant and corporate social investment, Mande Toubkin, underscored the preventability of many incidents and the critical role of immediate, proper first aid in the healing process.

Understanding burn severity

Highlighting the determining factors of burn severity, Toubkin stresses the critical need for tailored treatment and timely access to specialised care.

  • Superficial partial thickness (first-degree burns): Typically heals with minimal scarring.
  • Deep partial thickness (second-degree burns): Seek medical advice for severe pain and blistering.
  • Deep thickness (third-degree burns): Require immediate medical attention due to extensive damage.

Dos and don’ts of first aid for burns


  • Remain calm: Keeping a level head is crucial in any emergency.
  • Extinguish flames: Teach the “Stop, Drop and Roll” technique, especially to children.
  • Ensure safety: Prioritise safety, especially in electrical or chemical burn cases.
  • Cool the burn: Run cold water over the affected area for at least 20 minutes.
  • Seek medical help: Call emergency services immediately for appropriate assistance.
  • Address smoke inhalation: Prompt evaluation is crucial to prevent complications.


  • Do not try home remedies: Avoid applying ice or oily compounds to burns.
  • Do not peel blisters: Opening blisters can increase infection risk.
  • Do not underestimate the severity: Consult medical professionals for proper assessment and treatment.

Burns prevention tips

  • Adjust geyser temperatures to prevent scalding.
  • Control bathwater temperature to avoid burns.
  • Keep hot appliances out of children’s reach.
  • Maintain fire extinguishers and smoke detectors.
  • Exercise caution with flammable substances and heat sources.
  • Do not use liquid accelerants to start fires.
  • Ensure electrical safety and responsible smoking habits.

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