Call for action on environmental protection

In this file image taken on April 2021, is a multi-bladed wind pump next to an empty concrete dam near Durbanville Hills. Cape Town may have been able to come back from severe water shortages and drought, but there are still parts of South Africa that are struggling with access to water. Picture Henk Kruger/Independent Newspapers

In this file image taken on April 2021, is a multi-bladed wind pump next to an empty concrete dam near Durbanville Hills. Cape Town may have been able to come back from severe water shortages and drought, but there are still parts of South Africa that are struggling with access to water. Picture Henk Kruger/Independent Newspapers

Published Jun 17, 2024


Durban — The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment has called on South Africans to join the international community in celebrating, Drought and Desertification Day (DDD) 2024.

Under the theme: “United for Land: Our Legacy. Our Future” this year highlights the importance of land stewardship through three focus areas - land restoration, desertification and drought resilience.

In a statement, the department said that the goal was to stop land degradation, rehabilitate and restore land to a fertile status, as well as promote sustainable land management practices by encouraging the public and decision makers to act towards protecting the environment.

”Land is a vital natural asset for economic resources through agriculture, forestry and even mining, producing food and other ecosystem goods and services. It also provides for ecosystem services such as water filtration, nutrient cycling and carbon sequestration. Degradation caused by drought and unsustainable land use such as inappropriate agriculture, deforestation or even improper infrastructure development threatens those benefits and livelihoods which depend on the land.”

The ministry noted that the way we currently managed the land was threatening its health and productivity. Growing populations, coupled with unsustainable production and consumption patterns, fuelled the demand for natural resources and put excessive pressure on land to the point of degradation.

“The condition of our land affects everyone, so caring for it is a shared responsibility. Hence, it is important for all stakeholders in South Africa to support initiatives and interventions that protect and restore land health and its productivity.”

Minister of Fisheries, Forestry and the Environment, Barbara Creecy highlighted key issues that affect the well-being of communities.

“The health and wellbeing of our communities, and especially in rural areas, are intricately linked to the health and productivity of the land. Land and soil are essential for food, renewable energy, and water security, which are crucial for people's survival. Therefore, land degradation threatens their way of life,” Creecy said.

“This can be done through conservation, smart agriculture and adaptation to changing climate, especially in the dry fragile parts of our areas where food and water shortages are becoming more severe.

“South Africans are urged to change their land use practices while striving to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN). There is an urgent need to work towards the achievement of LDN, which requires a paradigm shift in land stewardship: from “degrade-abandon-migrate” to “protect-sustain-restore”. This means cooperation among various sectors that embrace complementary management options to avoid future land degradation whilst rehabilitating degraded lands that provide vital benefits to people,“ the minister said.

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