Do you let people walk all over you?

Childhoods dominated by computer games, TV and Facebook have resulted in a generation of ten-year-old weaklings, research suggests.

Childhoods dominated by computer games, TV and Facebook have resulted in a generation of ten-year-old weaklings, research suggests.

Published May 10, 2011


London - Many women like to think they are quite empathic; good at tuning into other people’s feelings and reacting to them in a way that seems appropriate.

If you see a child crying, you might want to comfort them or, indeed, feel upset yourself; if a friend tells you they’ve had some bad news, you probably want to say something that will make them feel better, and may even feel bad on their behalf.

Empathy is roundly seen as a good thing. Frequently, we consider people who lack empathy to be evil - after all, how could someone murder or torture another human being if they had any empathy for their fellow man at all?

But is it possible to care too much? To care so much about other people that you actually neglect your own needs?

Monique Commins, 33, a company director, certainly thinks so.

“I’ve always been very considerate of others, often to my detriment. From a young age, I remember being disappointed in friendships as I’d always go the extra mile, but they wouldn’t do the same.

“Even now, if someone needs a lift, I’ll always be the one to offer. Admittedly, I do get pleasure from helping people, but after a point I start to wonder why I’m the one who is constantly making the effort.

“As the managing director of a company, I’m constantly putting my staff first and seeing things from their point of view. I know that in the office you should be focused on getting the job done, but all too often I find myself making allowances for someone’s personal situation and taking on more work myself as a result.

“But it’s with boyfriends that it causes a real problem. I’m so concerned about whether the other person is happy that I tend to lose myself. I’ll always consider what concerts or films they’d like to go to, rather than whether I’ll enjoy them.

“I think that this behaviour contributed to the breakdown of my last relationship. My partner would always tell me I needed to think of myself more and the fact I was unable to do that made him feel guilty.”

Monica certainly isn’t alone.

In his new book, Zero Degrees Of Empathy, Cambridge University professor Simon Baron-Cohen, an expert in autism and developmental psychopathology, examines exactly what empathy means and how it affects our behaviour.

His theory is that everyone lies somewhere on a scale of empathy that he defines as going from zero to six. While most of us sit in the middle, there are individuals who occupy either ends of the spectrum. Those at the lower end have no empathy and, while not everyone with zero empathy will be cruel to others, it tends to be people who are capable of crimes, such as murder, assault, torture and rape, that generally have zero empathy.

At the other end of the scale, at level six there are people like Monica, the sort of people who are focused on other people’s feelings. They go out of their way to check up on other people and be supportive.

In order to identify where people fell on the scale, Professor Baron-Cohen devised tests that quantify an individual’s empathy. And, while you can get men with six degrees of empathy and women with zero degrees of empathy, in all the tests the Professor performed, women scored higher than men. In one test, the people at the high end of the scale were exclusively women.

Professor Baron-Cohen has some idea why this might be the case. “It could be traced back to the fact that, as a woman, it might have been evolutionarily advantageous to be empathic.

“Traditionally, women have been the ones who have been the carers and, when caring for babies who cannot speak or communicate, being able to look at their faces and quickly determine whether they are hungry or ill would have been incredibly important from a survival perspective.”

Behavioural expert Marisa Peer believes it’s even more significant than that. “In tribal times, the women were left at home every day, while the men went off to fight or hunt with a significant possibility that they might not return. If a woman’s partner were killed, she would no longer have someone to feed her and her children unless the tribe agreed to look after them.

Being able to display empathy was essential to ensure you were liked by the tribe, and that if your partner died, you and your children would be fed and survive.”

But while, thanks to our cave-woman ancestors, empathy might be hard-wired into our female brains to a certain extent, it’s also something that we’re encouraged to display from a social perspective.

“If you give a doll to a little girl, it’s her instinct to rock it in her arms, while a little boy is more likely to pull the arms off,” says Marisa. “This might be innate, but it’s also behaviour that, as a society, we encourage. Empathy is seen as a desirable characteristic in a woman.”

In fact, it’s so desirable that even when women suffer from a condition that means they find it difficult to empathise with others, they will actually try to “fake” empathy in a way that men don’t.

Professor Baron-Cohen, who works in a clinic for adults with suspected Asperger’s syndrome, explains: “Most of my patients are male, but more recently we have started to see an increasing number of female patients. What is noticeable about them is the fact that in diagnostic assessments you would not initially have any idea that they were any different from any other woman you might meet on the street. Their body language, their mannerisms and style of speech seem exactly the same.

“But gradually, they reveal that none of this comes naturally, that they are in fact, to use the title of a book written by a female Asperger’s patient, ‘Pretending to be normal’. They’ve learnt how to express compassion through words and how to chat to people, but it’s a huge struggle. Interestingly, male patients tend not to bother pretending in the same way.”

But you don’t have to suffer from Asperger’s to want to appear more empathic than you are. Women seem to have a natural desire to please and be seen as in tune with the world. This can affect the way we would naturally respond to situations.

“If girls and women are concerned about how they look, sound and appear to the outside world and how they are evaluated from a social perspective, it’s possible that this could also be driving their superior empathy,” says the professor.

He admits empathy can be learnt and that ultimately the reasons we empathise with someone are less important than the fact that we are empathising with them at all.

But do we get to a point where we’ve gone too far? Where being a super-empathiser can be destructive?

“My feeling is that high empathy individuals probably don’t ‘suffer’ from it,” says Professor Baron-Cohen. “But I’ve received emails from people who believe they have such high levels of empathy that they find it overwhelming, as they can’t switch on the television or walk down the street without being reduced to tears. But from a scientific point of view, this hasn’t been investigated.

“Because people at the high end of the spectrum don’t generally get into trouble and end up in prisons, or turn up in clinics, we know less about them.”

Rochelle Peachey, 46, runs the transatlantic dating website She says: “I do sometimes get very involved in my members’ lives. If they have a hard luck story, I feel for them terribly and I’ll always try to help as much as I can.

“One guy has been on the site since day one and when he wasn’t having much luck, he emailed me and I helped him to improve his profile. I’ve since paid for him to have sessions with a £125-an-hour counsellor and even called to check on him.

“I’ve bought and given clothes to women who were going on dates for the first time in years and organised hair and make-up sessions for people who have no idea how to make the best of themselves.

“My husband tells me other people are not my children and that I should stop getting so involved, but I feel bad for people who seem so lost when I have so much. I have often been out of pocket and there are times when I can’t sleep for worrying about certain members and their problems.”

Even the professor admits that being a highly empathic individual is potentially problematic. “Altruism is not necessarily a sustainable lifestyle 24/7. If you focus only on others, there is a risk that you neglect your own needs,” he says. “Being too centred on other people means one would never pursue one’s own ambitions, or act competitively for fear of upsetting or diminishing others.”

So, what’s the solution if you feel you are a super-empathiser and it’s affecting your life? Research by Professor Baron-Cohen showed that women who used a pill to temporarily boost their levels of testosterone scored lower in empathy tests than they had before. But messing around with hormone levels to stop you being so empathic probably isn’t the best solution.

Instead, Marisa Peer suggests practical tasks to start to regain some balance.

“Make two lists on a piece of paper of everything you give, and everything you get back. If you’re a super-empathiser, you’ll probably find your first list is longer. So make a third list of what you’d like to get back and ask people to deliver that. You want to get to the point where both your lists are the same length.

“What many super-empathisers don’t realise is that by taking on so much themselves, they’re denying others the opportunity to feel worthwhile and valid. People like to help, so if you’re a genuinely empathic person, you’ll let other people help you as much as you help them.”

Zero Degrees Of Empathy: A New Theory Of Human Cruelty, by Simon Baron-Cohen, Allen Lane. - Daily Mail

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