We worry for 36 minutes every day

Bridget Jones, an anxiety-ridden singleton, stresses about her weight and doesn't get enough sleep. But, she has lots of sex.

Bridget Jones, an anxiety-ridden singleton, stresses about her weight and doesn't get enough sleep. But, she has lots of sex.

Published Jun 4, 2011


London - Our concerns range from rising debt and falling salaries to bulging waistlines and disappointing sex lives.

But the amount of time the average Briton spends stressed is still likely to surprise.

We waste 36 minutes every day worrying, a study has revealed, which equates to nine whole days every year or a year and a half during a lifetime.

Remarkably, weight-gain is more of a concern than debt, health or job security, the survey found.

The high cost of living, feeling stuck in a rut and body weight are the most common causes for concern, the survey of 2,000 people aged between 18 and 65 found.

Four in ten are stressed about debt, a quarter are concerned they are not living life to the full and one in five is troubled about family members falling ill.

Researchers discovered that extreme anxiety has meant many people are unable to concentrate at work and endure sleepless nights and rifts with their partners.

One in ten said they felt stressed for more than two hours a day, while one in two worry so much it has affected their health.

A spokesman from the Everyman Campaign, which carried out the study, said: “People are wasting far too much time stressing about things.

“Money is dominating most of people’s thoughts. It’s interesting to see that petrol prices take priority over people’s sex lives.

“A whole raft of worries affect different areas of adults’ lives, but it’s interesting to see that health concerns are quite far down the list. “

A quarter polled blamed the lingering downturn for their stress levels, while three in ten said it was just who they were .

A massive 86 percent of those surveyed said women worry more than men. One in five is bothered about house prices and the risk of cancer, and one in six is worried about pensions and heavy workloads.

Other issues to make the list included ageing parents, being judged by others and ticking biological clocks.

The survey found three in ten have become depressed due to their worrying, one in ten admitted it has affected their relationship with their kids and one in twenty has lost friends.

Nearly half of respondents admitted they can t stop worrying, but a third said they tell no-one of their fears, while one in ten offload their concerns to work colleagues.

Four in ten admitted they were born worriers and seven in ten wished they would not worry so much.

And when it comes to switching off from daily stresses and strains, one in six go for a glass of wine and and one in five slump in front of the TV. - Daily Mail

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