PICS: Zimbabweans go hungry as coronavirus compounds climate woes

Rosemary Pamire cleans her home in Harare, Zimbabwe. Picture: Philimon Bulawayo/Reuters

Rosemary Pamire cleans her home in Harare, Zimbabwe. Picture: Philimon Bulawayo/Reuters

Published May 18, 2020


Harare - Rosemary Pamire struggled to feed

her family well before Zimbabwe entered lockdown in March to

combat the coronavirus pandemic. Now she can hardly put together

a meal a day as the country faces a deepening food crisis.

Sitting on a bed in her two-room lodgings in Harare's poor

Mbare township, Pamire told Reuters she had exhausted the little

food she had stocked up during the first 21 days of an extended

seven-week lockdown.

"We just eat once a day now. I wish the government could

give us food to feed my family," Pamire said.

Before the coronavirus outbreak, 7.7 million Zimbabweans

faced food shortages after a drought and cyclone in 2019 and

patchy rains this year, linked to climate change and worsened by

rampant inflation and a foreign exchange shortage.

Now it faces a triple threat of climate breakdown, monetary

woes and a new economic crisis caused by the lockdown.

Rosemary Pamire stands in the doorway of her family home during a nationwide lockdown to help curb the coronavirus. Picture: Philimon Bulawayo/Reuters

The government's latest figures show that 8.5 million

Zimbabweans are now food insecure, while international aid

agencies say up to 45 million people face hunger in southern

Africa due to climate-induced food shortages.

The government has promised a food grant of $2.4 billion

Zimbabwe dollars ($96 million) targeting 1 million people for

six months, without saying where it would get the money.

It is pleading with donors, who would normally be reluctant

to help because of its debt arrears, and this month it received

$7 million from the World Bank.

Pamire said she had registered with social welfare officials

but she, like many others, has yet to receive anything.

Rosemary Pamire and her daughter wash bottles for recycling. Picture: Philimon Bulawayo/Reuters

That has left the burden to fend for the family with her

19-year-old daughter Anna, who sells ice lollies and bottled

water at Mbare vegetable market at the risk of arrest by police

because it is illegal.

"At times in the evening when we don't have maize-meal, mum

will just tell us to have the ice lollies and water and we will

just go to sleep," said Anna.

On a good day Anna sells a pack of ice lollies for 110

Zimbabwe dollars ($4.40). After buying new stock, only $1 is

left for the family of seven to buy food, including the staple

maize-meal and sugar and cooking oil.

Densel Pamire plays outside his family's home during Covid-19 lockdown in Harare. Picture: Philimon Bulawayo/Reuters

Pamire, who lives with her four grown children and two

grandchildren, used to buy clothes and shoes from Zambia for

resell at home and earned $100 after a good trip. But the border

is closed, her passport expired, and she does not have money to

renew it.

The market where Pamire's two adult sons carted goods around

for a fee has been shut for six weeks, just like all informal

markets from where millions of Zimbabweans were earning a



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