With rain in short supply, Zimbabwe fights taboo against farming drought-hardy grain

Leah Tsiga is helped by a neighbour to transport a bag of cornmeal as she walks past a faltering pearl millet crop, in Mudzi about 230 kilometres, northeast of the Zimbabwean capital Harare. File picture: Tsvangirayi Mukwazh/AP

Leah Tsiga is helped by a neighbour to transport a bag of cornmeal as she walks past a faltering pearl millet crop, in Mudzi about 230 kilometres, northeast of the Zimbabwean capital Harare. File picture: Tsvangirayi Mukwazh/AP

Published Apr 13, 2020


Mambwere, Zimbabwe -

Samuel Mudziwepasi lost his entire maize crop in the last

farming season, when a drought ravaged much of Zimbabwe.

Now he fears his next harvest will be just as bad, as his

crop is already damaged from a dry spell that hit the country's

eastern regions at the start of this year.

Mudziwepasi knows one way to save his farm in Mambwere

village: start growing pearl millet, a drought-resistant grain

that could fetch him more money than maize.

But he is not allowed.

Even as persistently poor rains decimate Zimbabwe's maize

harvests, cultivating pearl millet has been effectively banned

in many rural areas for generations because traditional leaders

consider the crop brings bad luck.

"Growing pearl millet in this area is a taboo," Mudziwepasi

told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

"We know it is grown in other drought-prone areas, but even

in times of drought we cannot grow that crop here."

Agricultural experts and government officials agree that

planting more drought-resistant small grains, like pearl millet,

is essential for the country to adapt to climate change.

Villagers say the reasons for shunning pearl millet differ

around the country, but most stem from long-held cultural


Blessing Zimunya, a traditional leader in Mambwere village,

said growing and eating pearl millet were prohibited there a

"long, long time ago", ever since a predecessor died after

eating a meal containing the grain.

"Pearl millet will never be grown again in these areas.

Never again," Zimunya insisted.

He said that even when the community was given pearl millet

under food aid programmes, the villagers wouldn't accept it.

"Just recently we rejected a consignment of pearl millet

from the government," Zimunya noted.

While village elders recognise the need to find alternatives

for local farmers struggling to grow thirsty crops like maize,

groundnuts and melons, Zimunya said lifting the ban on pearl

millet would anger their ancestral spirits.

"If you eat or grow millet in this area, you will suffer,"

he said.

Cooking oil is distributed as food aid is provided, in Mudzi about 230 kilometres northeast of the Zimbabwean capital Harare. File picture: Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi/AP


The consequences of breaking the taboo can lead to families

losing their farms and homes.

Claris Madhuku, director of the Platform for Youth and

Community Development, a charity working in rural Zimbabwe, said

his organisation knew of families who were banished from their

villages for growing pearl millet.

In March, a couple was brought before the traditional court

in Mashonaland West province on charges of farming the grain.

The group Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, which is

defending the couple, said in a statement the ban on the crop

goes against government policy to advocate and promote the

growing of small grains. The case is still pending.

Hilal Elver, the UN special rapporteur on the right to

food, said in a statement last November that more than 60% of

Zimbabwe's population of about 14 million were food-insecure,

meaning they do not have enough food to meet their basic needs.

In January, Zimbabwe's agriculture minister told officials

the country had only 100,000 tonnes of grain in its strategic

reserves - enough to last just over a month.

As the southern African nation suffers the effects of a

severe drought that halved maize harvests last year, the

government has started pushing small grains like pearl millet

and sorghum as "nutritious and progressive" crops, Madhuku said.

They also consume less water than maize and mature faster,

making them less vulnerable to unpredictable dry spells.

"Considering that these small grains are drought-resistant,

it makes a lot of sense," Madhuku said.

"Some of the myths (about pearl millet) that used to be

respected and of consequence should no longer be honoured," he


A woman holds a voucher before receiving food aid, in Mudzi about 230 kilometres northeast of the Zimbabwean capital Harare. File picture: Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi/A


To encourage more farmers to switch to small grains, in

February the government increased the price at which it buys

pearl millet, sorghum and finger millet from farmers.

The price paid for small grains went up from 4,000 Zimbabwe

dollars ($11) per tonne to 7,260 Zimbabwe dollars, about 300

Zimbabwe dollars more than the maize price, which also


Aware of the pearl millet taboo, the government is also

running programmes to educate traditional leaders and others

about the grain's benefits, noted Elisha N. Moyo, principal

climate change researcher for the environment ministry.

The push includes workshops, meetings with traditional

leaders and agricultural extension officers, and field visits to

farms where pearl millet is grown.

Leonard Madanhire, a farmer in Gutaurare near Mambwere,

lives in an area where farming pearl millet is allowed.

But he and the other farmers in his village still prefer to

cultivate maize because they find it easier to grow and more

versatile than pearl millet.

Madanhire said he understands why some farmers whose crops

are regularly destroyed by drought would want to cultivate the

hardier grain, but warned it will not be easy to convince

village leaders in places where the crop is outlawed.

"Culture and traditional beliefs are very strong here and

cannot be easily changed," he said.

Mambwere farmer Ephary Mukwindidza said he could only hope

the ban in his village would one day be relaxed to help

struggling communities.

"I think the traditional leaders should now allow farmers in

these areas to start growing pearl millet to save people from

hunger," he said. "People are suffering here."


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