Zimbabwe opposition denounces 'fascist' government amid police clampdown

Published Aug 16, 2019


Harare - Zimbabwe police combed Harare's

streets rounding up suspected opposition supporters on Friday,

enforcing a clampdown on dissent after using batons and water

cannon to break up a protest that authorities had declared


Police patrolled the usually bustling city centre in lorries

and on foot, witnesses said, firing volleys of tear gas to

disperse any crowds that attempted to gather as most shops and

business shut amid fears that the clashes could turn more

violent. Police also directed tear gas at journalists.

Friday's street demonstration was to have been the first in

a nationwide series of protests organised by the main opposition

Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) party, which accuses

President Emmerson Mnangagwa's government of state-sponsored

violence, corruption and economic mismanagement.

It was banned on Thursday by police, who said any

participants would be committing a crime, but more

than 100 MDC supporters defied that order before being chased by

baton-wielding officers from one of the city's main squares.

Denouncing what it labelled the actions of a fascist

government, the MDC called the protest off early on Friday after

armed police barred access to the party's Harare offices and its

court appeal against the ban failed.

"The constitution guarantees the right to demonstration ...

yet this fascist regime has denied and proscribed this right to

the people of Zimbabwe," MDC Vice President Tendai Biti told

reporters outside the court.

"...We have jumped from the frying pan into the fire after

the coup of November 2017... We don't accept the conduct of this

regime, the conduct of Mr Mnangagwa."

In Geneva, a spokesman for the U.N. human rights

commissioner urged the government to engage with citizens on

legitimate economic grievances and "stop cracking down on

peaceful protesters."

The series of demonstrations has been viewed a high-profile

test of Mnangagwa's ability to tolerate dissent in a country

tainted by a long history of repression. So far this year he has

failed to make good on promises of political and economic


Elected after the armed forces intervened to oust Robert

Mugabe, Mnangagwa has said he aims to break with the brutal

legacy that characterised much of his predecessor's 37 years in


But the economy is mired in its worst crisis in a decade,

and Mnangagwa is struggling to convince the growing ranks of the

country's poor that his government's austerity measures and

reforms can trigger a recovery.

Zimbabweans had also expected last year's vote to usher in a

new dawn of expanded political rights and an end to the

country's international pariah status, but the elections instead

left the country more polarised.


In January, a violent security crackdown in Harare against

fuel demonstrations left more than a dozen people dead.

Days ahead of the planned Harare demonstration, six

political activists were abducted from their homes at night and

beaten by armed men, a coalition of rights groups said.

In another echo of the Mugabe era, the apparatus of state

was again out in full force on Friday and the city's streets

unusually quiet.

Witnesses saw police and armed soldiers searching buses,

taxis and private vehicles at checkpoints and randomly asking

for identity documents.

One woman was taken to hospital with a deep gash on her head

after baton-wielding police charged at MDC supporters.

Anger is mounting as Zimbabweans grapple with triple-digit

inflation, rolling power cuts and shortages of U.S. dollars,

fuel and bread - bringing back memories of the hyperinflation of

a decade ago that forced the country to ditch its currency.

"We want change because we are tired of promises. We are

tired, enough is enough," MDC member Patience Gurure told

Reuters moments before police dispersed the group she was in.

In a letter to church leaders published on Friday in the

state-owned Herald newspaper, Mnangagwa said the economic

hardship had its roots in sanctions imposed by the West more

than a decade ago as well as a severe drought this year.

He also said MDC leader Nelson Chamisa had rejected his

invitation to dialogue aimed at resolving Zimbabwe's political

and economic problems. Chamisa has said he will only sit down

with Mnangagwa if there is a neutral arbiter.

"The doors of national dialogue are still open to all

political leaders," Mnangagwa said.


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