Major reshuffle in Ekurhuleni Mayoral Committee as Finance MMC, Nkululeko Dunga, is removed

Published Jun 13, 2024


In a significant move that has stirred discussions across the City of Ekurhuleni, Executive Mayor Nkosindiphile Xhakaza announced the removal of Councillor Nkululeko Dunga from his role as the Member of the Mayoral Committee (MMC) for Finance. This decision, detailed in a press release issued by the Mayor's Office on June 12, marks a pivotal change in the city’s leadership.

According to the official statement, the decision to remove MMC Dunga came after "careful consideration and in light of unforeseen misalignments“.

The mayor emphasised that this change was necessary to ensure the effective handling of the city’s finances, particularly the approval of the annual budget, which is crucial for Ekurhuleni's ongoing development and growth.

“We appreciate MMC Dunga’s contribution and wish him well in his future endeavours. However, the critical need to urgently turnaround the concerning financial position of the city has driven us to make this difficult decision," Xhakaza stated in the release.

Interim leadership and future appointments

In the interim, Alderman. Nomadlozi Nkosi, the current MMC for City Planning and Economic Development, has been assigned to oversee the Finance portfolio. Nkosi, who also chairs the Governance and Economic Mayoral Cluster and the Budget Steering Committee, will take on these additional responsibilities effective immediately.

Mayor Xhakaza noted: “I will, in due course, after the necessary consultations, appoint a replacement in the role of MMC for Finance.”

The community and stakeholders are eagerly awaiting the announcement of a new appointment, hoping for stability and strong leadership to address the financial challenges faced by the city.

Implications of the reshuffle

This reshuffle highlights the ongoing efforts of the Ekurhuleni leadership to ensure the financial health and strategic direction of the city. The removal of Dunga and the temporary assignment of Nkosi reflect a proactive approach to addressing the city's financial management issues. With municipal governance and accountability under national scrutiny, the leadership in Ekurhuleni is under pressure to demonstrate effective management and transparency.

Community and stakeholder reactions

The community and stakeholders in Ekurhuleni have expressed mixed reactions to the reshuffle. While some appreciate the decisive action taken by the mayor to address financial concerns, others are anxious about the implications of such a sudden change in leadership. The appointment of a new MMC for Finance will be a crucial step in maintaining confidence and ensuring continuity in the city's financial strategies.

Looking ahead

As the city awaits the announcement of a new MMC for Finance, the focus will remain on stabilising Ekurhuleni's financial position and ensuring that the annual budget is approved and implemented efficiently. The leadership's commitment to addressing financial challenges head-on will be key to fostering growth and development in Ekurhuleni.

This major reshuffle serves as a reminder of the dynamic nature of municipal governance and the importance of aligning leadership roles with the strategic needs of the city. The coming weeks will be critical in shaping the future financial health and governance of Ekurhuleni.