7 times Zuma spilled the tea at #StateCaptureInquiry

Published Jul 15, 2019


Former president Jacob Zuma dropped some files as he took the stand before the Zondo commission into state capture on Monday.

Here are some of the claims Zuma made on Monday:

'Ramatlhodi is a spy'

“I have known him (former minister Ngoako Ramatlhodi) for many years for what he is, but I have never shown it because I thought he will change...

“What made comrade Ngoako to behave the way he did here, to say I have auctioned the country and in the NEC I just do what I like? He is carrying out an instruction. He was recruited when he was a student in Lesotho, to be a spy, and he finds it very comfortable to come here.” 

Zuma the victim of character assassination campaign

"There has been a drive to remove me from the scene. It arises out of my work in the ANC and also because of who I am. This conspiracy against me has been stretched at all material times whenever things were done or said."

How he met the Guptas

"Members of this family were brought to my residence in Oliver Tambo... They were coming from Mahlamba Ndlopfu from [former] president [Thabo] Mbeki. The person who introduced them was Essop Pahad. They were introduced as good businesspeople but they were also comrades. 

"That's how some of my family members got to know them... They were also introduced for the second time by some comrades in Gauteng who were praising them... that's how I got to know them."

On his relationship with the Guptas

"I never did anything with them unlawfully, they just remained friends. Never, never did I discuss any matter that does not belong to them.

"They were businesspeople and successful businesspeople. I'm not a businessperson, I know nothing about business, I'm a politician, I know something about politics."

On Thuli Madonsela's State Capture report

"There are people who will be happy if I went to jail or removed. On the public protector investigation, no president had gone through such. Look at how Public Protector titled report 'secure in comfort'. What comfort? The public protector, who was supposed to protect all of us, enhanced the narrative that Zuma is corrupt. She said there was no money to complete the Nkandla investigation... but those who are in charge of Treasury found money to give her to investigate in a hurry before she leaves. She left, tried to complete work, it was difficult but the report is there."

On Johann Rupert's alleged threat to sink the economy

"For example, one day comrade Mbalula attended an activity in the farm or home of Mr Rupert, and when Rupert saw him he said ‘Minister Mbalula if Zuma takes out Pravin Gordhan we will shut down the country, the economy’."

On his ANC comrades

“I’ve been respectful to comrades, maybe I’ve reached a point where that must take a back seat.”

Zuma's testimony continues on Tuesday. 

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