ANC, Malema set aside differences for #WinnieMandelaFuneral

Winnie Nomzamo Madikizela-Mandela at the ANC National Conference in 2017. File picture: Ayanda Ndamane/African News Agency (ANA)

Winnie Nomzamo Madikizela-Mandela at the ANC National Conference in 2017. File picture: Ayanda Ndamane/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Apr 13, 2018


Johannesburg - The ANC government has confirmed that EFF president Julius Malema will speak alongside several other dignitaries at the funeral of struggle icon Winnie Madikizela-Mandela on Saturday.

Malema a former ANC Youth League leader was kicked out of the party in 2012 and established the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) alongside his deputy Floyd Shivambu.

Despite his fallout with the ANC, and particularly its former president Jacob Zuma, Malema and his fellow red berets have enjoyed the support of Madikizela-Mandela.

President Cyril Ramaphosa will deliver the struggle icon's eulogy before her body is taken to her final resting place at the Fourways Memorial Park Cemetery - where she will be buried alongside her family members.

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The funeral service is expected to begin at 8 am and is expected to last for four hours at the iconic Orlando Stadium.

After the service, the procession will leave at 12 pm along the N1 highway until William Nicol and would turn into Witkoppen Road and right into Cedar Road.

It would continue on Cedar until to the road leading to the Fourways Memorial Park.

Only dignitaries will be allowed to the cemetery to view the moment her coffin as it is lowered to the ground. Other mourners were expected to remain at the stadium to watch burial proceedings on big screens.

Malema and leaders of other political parties have also been allowed to be part of the dignitaries to bid their final farewell to the struggle icon at the cemetery.

Madikizela-Mandela and Malema’s relationship dates back when the EFF leader was still a prominent leader of Cosas and prodigy of former ANC Youth League (ANCYL) president Peter Mokaba.

Inter-Ministerial Committee spokesperson, Phumla Williams, confirmed that Malema will be among the speakers, who will be delivering tributes to Madikizela-Mandela, during the funeral service.

A special tribute to the struggle icon will also be delivered by her daughters Zenani and Zindzi as well as her grand and great-grandchildren.

Deputy President David Mabuza is also due to deliver a tribute on behalf his party while Bathabile Dlamini will represent the ANC Women’s League (ANCWL).

President of the Republic of Congo Denis Sassou Nguesso - one of the three Heads of States who will be at the funeral - will also deliver a tribute message.

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