LIVE FEED: State capture inquiry - July 2, 2020

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo. Photo: ANA/Nhlanhla Phillips

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo. Photo: ANA/Nhlanhla Phillips

Published Jul 2, 2020


Johannesburg - The Zondo commission resumes on Thursday morning to continue its probe into allegations of corruption at the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa).

The inquiry will hear testimony from a lead investigator Clint Ollermann and Prasa general manager for group legal services, Fani Dingiswayo.

The inquiry has previously heard evidence of how Dingiswayo and Prasa's head of legal Martha Ngoye had been dismissed by former Prasa chief executive Lucky Montana after the two questioned the legality of a tender contract.

Ngoye had told the commission that Montana ruled with an iron fist and that everyone at the company feared him.

Over the past couple of days, the commission has been hearing corruption evidence involving Montana.


Former Prasa board chairperson Popo Molefe told the inquiry there was a push from former president Jacob Zuma for Montana to be reinstated after he left the company in 2015.

Molefe detailed a meeting he had with Zuma about Montana.

"The president said this young man (Montana) is knowledgeable and he has the skills the country needs and, in his view, he should not be lost to the country and some solution should be found for him to use his skill in the organisation.

"The solution he (Zuma) was suggesting was that the decision (the board accepting Montana's resignation) be reversed. He was asking that it be reviewed. This is an untenable situation and there is no way one could explain it,” Molefe recalled.

The former board chairperson said he tried to explain to Zuma that Montana had resigned and he was not fired.

"My response is that I cannot make a decision in a private space about a decision that was taken by the board. I explained that Montana had not wanted his contract extended. I told him I was happy to host a board meeting where he (Zuma) would explain to the board what his issue with the decision was,” he said. 

Molefe said when Montana left, he pushed a media campaign against the board which sought to paint it as incompetent.


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