Mohono to revive probe into alleged theft of wildlife worth more than R100m

North West Agricultural MEC Desbo Mohono urge farmers not to use consultans as they are expensive. She told farmers during a stakeholder engagement in Rustenburg that help and resources will be made available. Photo: ANA/Stringer

North West Agricultural MEC Desbo Mohono urge farmers not to use consultans as they are expensive. She told farmers during a stakeholder engagement in Rustenburg that help and resources will be made available. Photo: ANA/Stringer

Published May 30, 2019


Johannesburg - Newly-appointed North West Agriculture and Rural Development MEC Desbo Mohono has vowed to revive investigations into the alleged theft of wildlife worth more than R100million.

Mohono made the promise while speaking to Independent Media following her appointment on Tuesday by Premier Job Mokgoro.

Her appointment came after Mokgoro pledged that he would appoint a cabinet dedicated to serve the interests of the North West’s people.

In December, Mohono had a brief stint as MEC for Agriculture and Nature Conservation, following a reshuffle in the provincial legislature.

Among her tasks at the time was to recover the wildlife, including white rhinos, which were allegedly donated to ANC provincial heavyweight Matthew Wolmarans and his business partner, Mike de Kock, in 2014.

Wolmarans and De Kock are shareholders in Southern African Rare Game Breeders Holdings.

Mohono conducted her preliminary investigations in January this year, but was involved in a near-fatal accident in February which stalled the investigations.

After her recovery in April, she continued to investigate the matter until her fresh appointment to deal with Agriculture and Rural Development.

Her previous portfolio of Nature Conservation was given to Kenetswe Mosenogi, former deputy secretary-

general of the ANC Youth League, who is now MEC for Economic Development, Conservation and Tourism.

“I’ve compiled a report about the wildlife. I’m going to hand it over to MEC Mosenogi to act on it. Parliament wanted us to act, and we cannot be seen to be defying it,” Mohono said.

Political Bureau

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