WATCH: Celebrating KZN's greatest - RD Naidu

RD Naidu speaking at a meeting at the Friends of the Sick Association during the late 1970s.

RD Naidu speaking at a meeting at the Friends of the Sick Association during the late 1970s.

Published Sep 30, 2019


This Heritage Month, Independent Media is celebrating the 20 greatest women and men of KwaZulu-Natal. 

The focus is on iconic figures in the province, who through their activism changed the path of the Struggle against colonialism and apartheid. 

These are women and men whose legacy is an integral part of KZN's heritage. 

Each video interview is with someone who worked closely with the subject of the profile or an historian who has researched the individual.

RD Naidu will be remembered for his role in the Natal Indian Congress but also for his role in the United Democratic Front.

Political Bureau and Studio Independent

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