We are ready to work with Gauteng's new executive council, says DA

Gauteng Premier David Makhura. Picture: Simphiwe Mbokazi/African News Agency (ANA)

Gauteng Premier David Makhura. Picture: Simphiwe Mbokazi/African News Agency (ANA)

Published May 29, 2019


Johannesburg - The Democratic Alliance in Gauteng said on Wednesday it would work cordially with the ruling African National Congress's new executive council to ensure that the needs of the province's residents were placed first.

The DA said this after Gauteng premier David Makhura unveiled a list of members of the executive council (MECs) who will be sworn in on Thursday.

DA Gauteng caucus leader Solly Msimanga however said the party would also not shy away from confronting the MECs "when they fail to uphold their constitutional mandates and are dismissive of the plight of the people of Gauteng”.

“It is concerning, but not surprising, that the list includes a number of individuals who have previously had a dismal track record in government,” Msimanga said.

Many of the other MECs were newcomers who were yet to prove their ability to navigate the complexities of the province and its needs, he added.

"The DA will make sure that this administration gets to work and improves the lives of the people of Gauteng, especially when it comes to jobs, health, safety and stopping corruption," said Msimanga.

"The ANC is skating on a thin majority and will not be afforded any leeway to dodge accountability as they have repeatedly done in the past."

African News Agency/ANA

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