Security guards dispute seeing suicidal tendencies in #KaraboMokoena

Published Apr 26, 2018


Johannesburg - Two security supervisors at Sandton Sky apartments, where Sandile Mantsoe who is on trial for the murder of his ex-girlfriend Karabo Mokoena resided, have denied seeing suicidal tendencies in the dead woman.

Happy Maphiri, a security supervisor who has been working at the apartments for about three years, told the court that he had never been to Mantsoe's unit. 

"Each and everything that happens is written in the book," Maphiri said, referring to the building's "occurance book" under questioning by defence advocate Victor Simelani.




Simelani asked Maphiri about the procedure followed when a resident required assistance with accessing their room.

On Wednesday the court heard via a statement from Mantsoe that a security guard had helped him access his apartment, where they found Mokoena on the floor with pills scattered around her.

"As a supervisor you are not allowed in a residents room, I wait outside the room and the resident will show me their access card that they've left inside," Maphiri said.

Lucky Nongoko, another supervisor, said he recalled assisting Mantsoe on March 16 last year after he reported that his girlfriend was inside and he did not know what was happening.

"We went up to the room, opened, and Mantsoe asked Mokoena what was going on and she said she was sleeping," Nongoko told the court.

Nongoko said he saw Mokoena in bed when she peeped out of the blankets. He added that he never saw any pills near her.

Simelani asked Nongoko whether Mantsoe showed him a message from Mokoena which mentioned suicide.

"No I was not shown such a message," Nongoko responded.

The trial was postponed to Monday after the state wrapped up its case.

African News Agency/ANA

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