We remember Reeva Steenkamp

Reeva Steenkamp poses during a photo shoot. File picture: Ice Model Management/AP

Reeva Steenkamp poses during a photo shoot. File picture: Ice Model Management/AP

Published Aug 19, 2018


Reeva Steenkamp was June and Barry Steenkamp's pride and joy. Beautiful, brainy and on her way to making a big name for herself, the blonde model was the centre of their lives. 

Her brother and sister loved her dearly but Reeva had a special bond with her parents and helped support them financially.

When Reeva started dating Paralympian Oscar Pistorius her family welcomed him into their bosom, never suspecting that the dynamic young double amputee would be the source of their biggest heartache.

On February 14, 2013, Reeva spent the evening with Oscar celebrating Valentines Day. She would not leave the posh Silver Woods Country Estate house alive. 

That night, Pistorius shot Reeva four times through the locked door of his toilet.

Some time during the night, Pistorius claimed he was awakened by what he thought was the sound of an intruder in the house. 

He grabbed his gun and having identified the sounds as coming from the bathroom, shot through the door. 

Reeva died on the floor wedged between the wall and the toilet.

Pistorius was originally convicted of culpable homicide and served only ten months in prison. 

The State successfully appealed the verdict as well the sentence and he was eventually found guilty of murder. Pistorius is still serving his amended sentence.

While Reeva's killer is behind bars, her parents have struggled to come to terms with her death and have started a foundation in her name. 

June Steenkamp has also written a book about the horrific circumstances under which she lost her daughter.

Reeva Steenkamp will never celebrate another Women's Month, another birthday or Christmas with her family. She will never have the chance to see the dreams and hopes she had for herself fulfilled.

For Reeva's sake and the sake of women everywhere, if you know somebody who has committed an act of violence against a woman Don't Look Away

If you know a young woman's life is in danger, Don't Look Away

If you are able to help prevent another tragedy, Don't Look Away


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