Happy Heritage Day to every South African and African

Published Sep 24, 2019


Independent Media on this Heritage Day acknowledges the role Africans played in South Africa’s liberation as a reminder of how the country’s "heritage" was achieved.

The spirit of Independent's Heritage Day campaign this year is captured in the words: “Heritage Day is not only for every South African, but every African who made it possible”.

The campaign is a timely reminder to South Africans of just how crucial other African countries were in fighting alongside millions of South Africans to achieve democracy.

The timing of this campaign could not be more appropriate or profound, considering the recent spate of xenophobia that has swept parts of the country.

Those who fought

bravely with and for us.

The ones who helped

us overcome the

darkest hours of our

nation’s history.

Who cried and danced

with us as we

celebrated freedom.

Who shared our joy at the

birth of a new South Africa.

The ones we once called

our brothers and sisters.

The people who some now,

sadly call foreigners.

Heritage Day is not only

for every South African,

but every African who

made it possible.

That’s something to

truly celebrate.

Happy Heritage Day to every South African and African.


Independent Media executive chairman, Dr Iqbal Survé, has put his full support behind this campaign, which is in line with the company’s "media for social change" standpoint, emphatically saying: “Transformation is at the heart of what we do at Independent Media. As an African media organisation with representation across the continent, I want to reach out and embrace our African comrades on this Heritage Day and say thank you for all your efforts in helping South Africa to attain its liberation.”

Dr Survé also strongly condemned xenophobia in South Africa, referring to recent events as acts of terrorism and cowardice. “As we have done against racism, sexism, homophobia and femicide, so will we speak up and out against xenophobia. We must do all that we can to educate the uninformed. We will use our platforms for the promotion of cohesiveness and the protection of all our tomorrows that will form our collective African heritage.”

Independent’s Heritage Day campaign was conceptualised with its ad agency, FCB Durban, which has worked alongside the company’s marketing team over several years, rolling out Independent’s "media for social change" projects, including ‘Racism Stops With Me’, ‘Don’t Look Away’, #IndependentWomen and most recently, the #MyPromise campaign, which addresses gender-based violence.

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