Mozambique says rail service expansion to South Africa, eSwatini is on track

Mozambique recently announced the introduction of an express train to South Africa and eSwatini. Picture: Pexels

Mozambique recently announced the introduction of an express train to South Africa and eSwatini. Picture: Pexels

Published Sep 7, 2022


The chairperson of the board of directors of Mozambique's publicly-owned ports and rail company (CFM), Miguel Matabele, recently announced the introduction of an express train to South Africa and eSwatini, to facilitate the mobility of people and goods, according to All Africa.

Matabele made this announcement on Saturday, when Mozambican Prime Minister Adriano Maleiane was visiting the CFM stand at the Maputo International Trade Fair (Facim).

According to online news outlet 360Mozambique, Maleiane welcomed the initiative, emphasising that the project would contribute to the solution of the public transport problem in the country.

“This news is very important, especially now that there is an effort to solve the problem of public transport. I think they are giving a very strong contribution,” Radio Mozambique quoted Maleiane as saying.

CFM signed an agreement with South Africa's Transnet Freight Rail (TFR) on July 1 for the elimination of the rail border, and another with eSwatini Railways on August 5 for direct rail links for the transport of goods.

Trains operated by CFM and TFR will now cross the border at Ressano Garcia without restrictions or the need to change rolling stock.

According to local authorities, the Maputo Corridor will have, in an initial phase, 21 trains per week carrying chrome and ferrochrome to the Port of Maputo, compared to the current 15 trains per week.

With the eSwatini agreement, the Goba railway border has been removed, allowing the free movement of goods trains between eSwatini and Mozambique.