WATCH: Mineworkers arrive for Marikana commemoration

Mineworkers arrived for the fifth Marikana commemoration at Nkaneng informal settlement in Wonderkop. Picture: ANA

Mineworkers arrived for the fifth Marikana commemoration at Nkaneng informal settlement in Wonderkop. Picture: ANA

Published Aug 16, 2017


Marikana -  A large crowd of mineworkers have arrived at the infamous Marikana koppie near Rustenburg in the North West on Wednesday, to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the Marikana tragedy.

Dressed in green Asssociation of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu) regalia, the crowd dance as cultural music groups performed on the stage.

The mineworkers had been bused in from various areas to mark the fifth anniversary of the Marikana tragedy when 34 striking Lonmin mineworkers were killed when police opened fire on August 16, 2012. Almost 70 others were wounded.

The workers, led by rock drill operators, downed tools demanding to be paid a minimum monthly salary of R12,500. They camped on the koppie, refusing to descend, demading that Lonmin management come to speak to them at the koppie.

Cultural groups performed at the Marikana commemoration on Wednesday. Video: ANA

Ten people, including two Lonmin security guards and two police men, were killed in a week leading up to August 16.

Lonmin CEO Ben Magara was expected to speak at the event and Amcu president Joseph Mathunjwa was expected to deliver the main address.

Families of deceased mineworkers attend the fifth Marikana commemoration. Picture: ANA

Wreaths would be laid at the foot of the koppie.

On Tuesday, DA leader Mmusi Maimane was prevented from laying wreaths at the koppie. Maimane did a walkabout in Nkaneng and spoke to people, but when he headed to the koppie to lay wreaths, mineworkers who were at a giant tent near the koppie, stopped him saying he could not go to the koppie without their knowledge.

African News Agency



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