We remember Anni Hindocha

Anni Hindocha

Anni Hindocha

Published Aug 4, 2018


Swedish engineer Anni Hindocha married British businessman Shrien Dewani in a lavish three-day ceremony. This was meant to be the beginning of a beautiful life together, and a honeymoon in Cape Town was the perfect start to their new life.

Their honeymoon started with a quick trip to the Kruger National Park, where they stayed until November 12, 2010. The couple flew into the city and were picked up by taxi driver Zola Tongo, who would become a central figure in the tragedy about to unfold in one of the world's most beautiful cities. 

Less than 24 hours later, on November 13, 2010, Anni died in the back of an abandoned minibus in Lingelethu West, with a gunshot wound to the neck. 

It appeared that she was the victim of a hijacking which had gone horribly wrong. Police quickly pounced on three men, Xolile Mngeni, Mziwamadoda Qwabe and hotel receptionist Monde Mbolombo. They all admitted being involved in the deadly hijacking. Qwabe was the first suspect to claim that they were hired by the billionaire businessman to kill his wife.

Qwabe and taxi driver Tongo were offered reduced sentences in exchange for pleading guilty. Xolile Mngeni claimed he was tortured into confessing but was also eventually convicted of Anni's murder. Mbolombo turned state witness and thus escaped prosecution. Although three men were now behind bars for the murder/hijack plot, the case was far from over.

Police accused Dewani of offering the trio R15 000 to have his bride murdered. In 2014, after a long battle to have him brought from England to South Africa to stand trial, he was acquitted after the court found there was insufficient evidence. Anni's family believe that Shrien Dewani still has not come clean about his alleged role in her murder, and they continue to seek justice.

Anni Hindocha will never celebrate another Women's Month, birthday or Christmas. She will never know the joy of motherhood. Anni's dreams were snuffed out in the back seat of a minibus in a South African township.

For Anni's sake and the sake of women everywhere, if you know somebody who has committed an act of violence against a woman Don't Look Away

If you know a young woman's life is in danger, Don't Look Away

If you are able to help prevent another tragedy, Don't Look Away


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