Trump jokingly hails congressman for assaulting reporter

President Donald Trump ratcheted up his attacks on the media, making light of an assault by a Republican member of Congress on a journalist. Picture: AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

President Donald Trump ratcheted up his attacks on the media, making light of an assault by a Republican member of Congress on a journalist. Picture: AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Published Sep 7, 2018


Washington - President Donald Trump on Thursday night ratcheted up his not-so-veiled attacks on the media, making light of an assault perpetrated by a Republican member of Congress on a journalist and suggesting it was done on behalf of his state.

At a rally in Billings, Montana, Trump ran through the state's GOP elected officials before landing upon Rep. Greg Gianforte.

"I'll tell you what: This man has fought -- in more ways than one -- for your state. He has fought for your state," Trump said. "Greg Gianforte. He is a fighter and a winner."

It's possible the White House will try to offer an alternate explanation for Trump's comments. Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, for instance, has repeatedly said Trump never "promoted or encouraged violence" - despite clear, objective evidence to the contrary.

But Thursday's example was clearly in that vein. Trump enunciated the "in more ways than one" in a manner that made clear what his reference was to. Gianforte is not a military veteran, which would be about the only valid explanation for the idea that a politician "fought in more ways than one for your state." But again, the video shows Trump was clearly pleased with his veiled reference.

Back in June 2017, Gianforte pleaded guilty to a misdemeanour assault on Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs that took place 24 hours before the end of a special election campaign. He was given a 180-day suspended sentence and was required to do community service and pay a fine. He also was forced to attend anger-management classes.

Jacobs tweeted at the time that Gianforte had "body-slammed" him after Jacobs asked him repeatedly about the cost of the GOP's health-care bill. The Guardian released a tape of the incident, and Fox News reporters who were also present confirmed Jacobs's account.

"I'm sick and tired of you guys!" Gianforte says on the tape. "The last guy that came in here did the same thing. Get the hell out of here! Get the hell out of here! The last guy did the same thing. Are you with the Guardian?"

Gianforte, whose staff initially blamed Jacobs for the altercation, offered multiple apologies and issued a statement before sentencing: "Notwithstanding anyone's statements to the contrary, you did not initiate any physical contact with me, and I had no right to assault you. I am sorry for what I did and the unwanted notoriety this has created for you. I take full responsibility."

Gianforte at the time pledged to donate $50 000 to the Committee to Protect Journalists. On Thursday, a president who has increasingly labelled "fake news" reporters the "enemies of the American people" made his assault of a journalist into a laugh and applause line.

The Washington Post

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