German antibody study dampens hopes of coronavirus vaccine

File picture: Ted S. Warren / AP Photo.

File picture: Ted S. Warren / AP Photo.

Published Jul 12, 2020


Munich, Germany - A study by scientists in the southern German city of

Munich suggests coronavirus antibodies may not remain in the body

longer than a few months, dampening hopes of an effective vaccine or

long-term immunity.

Tests on patients treated at Munich's Schwabing Clinic showed a

significant drop in the number of so-called neutralising antibodies

in the blood, said Clemens Wendtner, senior consultant at the

hospital's department for infectious diseases.

"In four of the nine patients, we see falling neutralising antibodies

in a very special test that can only be carried out in a

high-security laboratory," said Wendtner.

"The extent to which this has an impact on long-term immunity and

vaccination strategies is still speculative, but must be monitored

critically as it progresses," he added.

The results suggest that recovered patients can be re-infected with

the virus, though further tests are necessary to confirm this,

Wendtner said.

The body's immune response is made up of both B-cells, responsible

for secreting antibodies, and T-cells, capable of recognizing and

killing previously recognized antigens.

Both are relevant for long-term immunity.

Wendtner's findings chime with other studies around the world. 

Chinese researchers reported in the journal Nature that the presence

of coronavirus antibodies in the blood decreased sharply after two

months. This was especially true in asymptomatic patients, who

produced fewer antibodies and therefore a weaker immune response.


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