Older, educated, whites shifting away from Trump's party as election nears

US President Donald Trump talks with reporters aboard Air Force One. Picture: Evan Vucci/AP

US President Donald Trump talks with reporters aboard Air Force One. Picture: Evan Vucci/AP

Published Apr 9, 2018


Older, white, educated voters helped

Donald Trump win the White House in 2016. Now, they are trending

toward Democrats in such numbers that their ballots could tip

the scales in tight congressional races from New Jersey to

California, a new Reuters/Ipsos poll and a data analysis of

competitive districts shows.

Nationwide, whites over the age of 60 with college degrees

now favour Democrats over Republicans for Congress by a 2-point

margin, according to Reuters/Ipsos opinion polling during the

first three months of the year. During the same period in 2016,

that same group favored Republicans for Congress by 10

percentage points.

The 12-point swing is one of the largest shifts in support

toward Democrats that the Reuters/Ipsos poll has measured over

the past two years. If that trend continues, Republicans will

struggle to keep control of the House of Representatives, and

possibly the Senate, in the November elections, potentially

dooming President Donald Trump's legislative agenda.

“The real core for the Republicans is white, older white,

and if they’re losing ground there, they’re going to have a

tsunami,” said Larry Sabato, a University of Virginia political

scientist who closely tracks political races. “If that continues

to November, they’re toast.”

Asked about the swing, Republican National Committee

Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel cited robust fund-raising and said the

party would field strong campaigns in battleground states. "We

are not taking a single vote for granted,” she said in a


John Camm has been a Republican since the Nixon

Administration, but the 63-year-old Tucson accountant says he

will likely support a Democrat for Congress in November. He is

splitting with his party over access to health insurance as well

as its recent overhaul of the nation's income tax system. He

also supports gun control measures that the party has rejected.

"I'm a moderate Republican, and yet my party has run away

from that," Camm said. "So give me a moderate Democrat."

Camm is not alone in his worries about healthcare. The

number of educated older adults choosing "healthcare" in the

Reuters/Ipsos poll as their top issue nearly tripled over the

past two years, from 8 percent to 21 percent. The poll did not

ask respondents precisely what their concerns about healthcare


Typically though, voters' concerns are varied. Some fear the

repealing of the Affordable Care Act, former President Barack

Obama's signature effort to offer subsidized health insurance to

millions of Americans and expand healthcare to the poor. Others

cite high prescription drug costs and the high cost of

healthcare in general.

Grey vote magnified

The potential impact of any swing to Democrats is magnified

given that older, educated adults are reliable voters. They also

make up a sizeable portion of the voting population in many

districts where elections are close.

How they vote could decide elections in as many as 26

competitive congressional districts where Democrats have a shot

at winning a seat. A Reuters analysis of U.S. Census data shows

highly educated older voters make up about 5-10 percent of the

population in those areas. Democrats need to pick up 24 seats to

win control of the House of Representatives.

More broadly, older white Americans, regardless of their

level of education, are still more likely to vote for

Republicans than Democrats, but the Republican advantage with

this group has been trimmed by about 5 percentage points when

comparing the first quarter of 2018 with the first quarter of


Disproportionate power

Older, educated voters have even more clout in the Arizona's

2nd Congressional District, where John Camm lives.

They make up about 10 percent of the population there, the

analysis shows. Adjacent to the University of Arizona Tucson

campus and including some of Arizona's few liberal pockets, it

is Arizona's most competitive district, said Paul Bentz, an

Arizona strategist and pollster who has worked on numerous

Republican campaigns.

Older voters in the 2nd district - both with and without

college degrees - were 40 percent of voters in the 2016 election

that kept Congress in Republican hands and brought Trump to

power, Arizona voter data reviewed by Reuters shows.

Bentz said the shift toward Democrats in the Tucson area

could be enough to determine the outcome, but he cautioned

against reading too much into the increased concern about

healthcare. He said Republicans could still win voters with

arguments focusing on immigration and support for the military.

Older, educated voters are also nearly 10 percent of the

adult population in northern New Jersey's hotly contested 11th

Congressional District, three hotly contested Southern

California districts, and highly competitive seats in Illinois,

Texas and Virginia's 10th.

Rising anxiety

Nationally, Democrats plan to campaign strongly for older

voters, focusing on issues such as taxes, healthcare and the

economy as campaigns heat up later this year, party strategists

said. Republicans, meanwhile, are touting the benefits of their

tax cuts and the improved economy.

In an ad that began rolling out last week in

Indiana, Priorities USA Action, the largest Democratic Party

fundraising group, highlights increases to the federal deficit

caused by Republican tax cuts. "Now there's a plan to cut

Medicare to pay for it," the ad says, a line designed to raise

older Americans' anxiety about the government healthcare program

for over 65s.

Priorities spokesman Josh Schwerin said it plans to spend

$50 million on such ads in several states, including Arizona,

Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Voters between the ages of 60 and 65 are particularly

worried about healthcare, said Brigid Harrison, a political

scientist at Montclair State University in New Jersey, because

they are paying ever higher private health insurance premiums

and are not yet eligible for Medicare.

Kenneth Johnston, 82 and a registered Republican who was

shopping with his wife on a recent day at a Sprouts Farmers

Market store in Green Valley, south of Tucson, said he is

unhappy with his party and has mixed feelings about Trump.

But he hasn't yet decided how he's going to vote. "I'm

worried about healthcare, but sometimes I just worry about

everything," he said. "I'm old." 

* The Reuters/Ipsos daily tracking poll provides a snapshot

of public opinion by surveying more than 65 000 adults during

the first three months of 2016 and 2018, including more than

15 000 people over the age of 60.


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