Over 40 global leaders to gather in Moscow for the 10th anniversary Primakov Readings Forum

Published Jun 21, 2024


The 10th International Primakov Readings Forum is set to take place on June 25 and 26 in Moscow, and promises to be a monumental event with over 40 foreign guests from 18 countries.

Dignitaries including high-level diplomats and experts would come together to deliberate on the pressing challenges facing the global order and Russia's evolving role within it.

According to Alexander Dynkin, Deputy Chairman of the Forum's Organizing Committee and President of IMEMO, the theme of this year's conference, 'Russia in the Global Context,' aims to dissect the repercussions of Western sanctions and the increasing solidarity amongst the nations of the Global South, BRICS, SCO, and the EAEU.

“Sanctions against Russia only strengthen ties between these countries and hinder the fragmentation of the global economy,” Dynkin explained.

The forum, which also marks the 95th birthday of Yevgeny Maksimovich Primakov, will honour the veteran diplomat's legacy by focusing on a diverse range of topics, including the role of BRICS in the new economic architecture, the dynamics within Greater Eurasia, and the future of European security amidst current crises.

Konstantin Kosachev, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council, emphasised the critical nature of the discussions.

“We are experiencing a major era rift, akin to the end of the Cold War. It's crucial to develop a shared vision for future global security frameworks that are effective and beneficial for all,” Kosachev said.

Sergey Ryabkov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, noted the unparalleled stature of the Primakov Readings as a national and international platform for dialogue.

“The Primakov Readings set the highest bar for discussion platforms, underlining their significance in fostering active dialogue across borders,” Ryabkov said.

One of the sessions will focus on arms control, particularly in the context of a polycentric world order.

Alexey Arbatov, Head of the Center for International Security of IMEMO, pointed out the urgency of this dialogue: “We are at a critical juncture where the traditional methods of conflict resolution and arms control are faltering. It's imperative to navigate these challenges to prevent a potential third world war.”

The forum will also address the ongoing Ukrainian crisis, with Konstantin Bogdanov, Senior Researcher at the Center for International Security, expressing the necessity of a new approach: “The resolution of the Ukrainian crisis is crucial for establishing a new global security architecture. We must foster a multilateral dialogue on Eurasian security, building on regional arms control and international détente.”

With a keynote address anticipated from Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Primakov Readings is poised to offer groundbreaking insights and foster collaborative solutions to some of the most intricate issues of our time.


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