Swedish parties seek way out of political deadlock

Swedish Prime Minister and Social Democratic Party leader Stefan Lofven (C) arrives for a news conference after meeting with the Speaker of Parliament in Stockholm. Picture: TT News Agency/Pontus Lundahl via Reuters

Swedish Prime Minister and Social Democratic Party leader Stefan Lofven (C) arrives for a news conference after meeting with the Speaker of Parliament in Stockholm. Picture: TT News Agency/Pontus Lundahl via Reuters

Published Sep 27, 2018


Stockholm - Sweden's anti-immigration

party - which is shunned by the political mainstream - insisted

on Thursday it would block the formation of a new government

unless it gets a say in policy - something the two main

political blocs have ruled out.

The Sweden Democrats have grown in popularity since entering

parliament in 2010 and hold the balance of power after winning

62 seats in the 349-member house at a Sept. 9 election.

They voted with the centre-right Alliance bloc to scupper

the government of Social Democrat prime minister Stefan Lofven

on Tuesday. But at consultations on forming a new administration

on Thursday, said they would not back an Alliance government.

"We will not, either actively or passively, support a

government that does not give us influence," Sweden Democrats

leader Jimmie Akesson told reporters.

The speaker of parliament has four attempts at picking a

prime minister who can get support from parliament - a process

that could take weeks. If he fails there will be a new election

within three months.

Lofven and Alliance leader Ulf Kristersson are both claiming

the right to build a new minority administration.

Kristersson said he wanted to form a government consisting

of his Moderate party and its Centre, Liberal and Christian

Democrat allies. With 143 members of parliament, that grouping

is one seat smaller than Lofven's centre-left bloc.

Lofven, whose Social Democrats are the biggest party in

parliament, is hoping that the Centre and Liberal parties will

support him if their only other option is a deal with the Social


The speaker will hold a news conference later in the day

after completing his first round of talks with all the party



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