Trump says impeachment a 'dirty, filthy, disgusting word'

Published May 30, 2019


WASHINGTON - U.S. President Donald Trump

on Thursday scornfully rejected 'disgusting' talk among

Democrats about launching an impeachment inquiry against him in

the aftermath of the Russia probe, saying he did nothing to

merit such an outcome.

Talking to reporters on the White House South Lawn ahead of

a trip to Colorado, Trump grew animated in reacting to a

statement from U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller on Wednesday.

Mueller said his report on Russian collusion in the 2016

presidential campaign did not clear Trump of obstruction of

justice and indicated it was up to Congress to decide whether he

should be impeached.

Mueller's statement fueled an increase in calls from

Democratic lawmakers for impeachment proceedings, and U.S. House

of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, reacting to Mueller's

statement, said "nothing is off the table."

Asked if he expected to be impeached, Trump said: "I don't

see how ... It's a dirty, filthy, disgusting word ... It's a

giant presidential harassment."

He cited the U.S. Constitution's language that a president

can be charged with "high crimes and misdemeanors."

"There was no crime. There was no misdemeanor," he said.

While House Democrats have yet to decide whether to pursue

impeachment, they are pressing forward with a number of

investigations spinning off from the Russia probe.

The Trump administration is fighting those congressional

efforts, including an attempt by the Democratic chairman of the

House tax-writing panel to obtain the president's tax returns.

The top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, Ron Wyden,

said on Thursday the U.S. Treasury had been "unresponsive" to

questions about Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin's decision not

to comply with the House demand for Trump's returns, and he

threatened to attempt to block any Treasury nominees if the

department was not forthcoming.

"Congress has a constitutional obligation to conduct

oversight of the executive branch," he said in a statement.


In a morning tweet, Trump had left the impression that he

was acknowledging that Russian interference helped him win the

2016 election over Democrat Hillary Clinton. Answering questions

from reporters, he later said the exact opposite.

"No, Russia did not help me get elected," he said, adding

that he needed no help in winning the election.

Trump heaped scorn on Mueller, calling him "totally

conflicted" in part because he had wanted to head the FBI.

"I told him NO. The next day he was named Special Counsel -

A total Conflict of Interest. NICE!," Trump said on Twitter,

without providing evidence that Mueller, a Republican, had

sought the FBI job.

Speaking to reporters, Trump also said that Mueller is a

close friend of former FBI Director James Comey, who Trump fired

weeks after taking office in early 2017.

"I think Mueller is a true 'never Trumper,'" Trump said. 


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donald trump