Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: A complex hormonal disorder that affects a whopping eight million South African women

PCOS is a complex hormonal disorder that often remains undiagnosed and misunderstood. Supplied image.

PCOS is a complex hormonal disorder that often remains undiagnosed and misunderstood. Supplied image.

Published Aug 31, 2023


Johannesburg - Up to eight million South African women are affected by Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), a complex hormonal disorder that often remains undiagnosed and misunderstood. And as World PCOS Day is set to be commemorated on Friday (September 1), medical experts want to use the occasion to shed light on the condition, empower women with information, and eliminate the stigma surrounding it.

“Despite its prevalence, PCOS remains a largely unspoken topic,” Kotex® Brand Ambassador Dr Nosipho Danielle Mhlanga said as she emphasised the importance of education in managing PCOS.

‘’PCOS can lead to complications like infertility, yet a significant number of affected women remain undiagnosed,” she stressed.

“By educating women about PCOS and its effects, we can eliminate the stigma and address the associated mental health challenges.’’

In collaboration with Dr Mhlanga, Kotex® is taking a proactive step by providing an overview of PCOS, enabling South Africans to understand the condition better and identify associated symptoms.

Understanding PCOS

Dr Mhlanga explained that PCOS is a multi-factorial hormonal disorder affecting individuals with ovaries, primarily during their reproductive years.

“Although its precise cause remains unclear, genetics, hormones, and environment play roles in its development.”

She added that PCOS manifests diversely in different individuals and is diagnosed based on clinical symptoms, hormonal tests, and imaging.

“PCOS is also a heterogeneous disorder, meaning that it can manifest differently in different individuals.”

She said that the diagnosis of PCOS is typically based on a combination of clinical symptoms, hormonal testing, and imaging, such as ultrasounds, to identify ovarian cysts.

Key PCOS symptoms

Dr Mhlanga explained that PCOS symptoms vary in type and severity, and that not all individuals experience the same set of indicators.

They may include:

- Irregular or absent menstrual cycles: PCOS can cause unpredictable or infrequent periods stemming from disrupted ovulation, potentially leading to fertility challenges.

- Elevated androgens (male hormones): Excessive androgens can result in acne, oily skin, and increased facial or body hair growth. Hair thinning or loss on the scalp can also occur.

- Abdominal weight gain or obesity: Weight gain around the abdomen worsens hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance, common in PCOS cases.

How PCOS is diagnosed

Dr Mhlanga explained that diagnosis involves clinical evaluation, medical history, physical examination, and specific tests.

“The Rotterdam Consensus criteria (2003) require meeting two of three criteria: ovulatory dysfunction, clinical or biochemical hyperandrogenism signs, and small ovarian cysts visible via ultrasound,” she said.

When to seek medical help

Dr Mhlanga encouraged women to seek medical assistance if they suspect PCOS based on symptoms.

“Treatment methods include lifestyle changes, exercise, contraceptives, anti-androgen medications, and hormone-based therapies. In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is an option for fertility issues.” She also stressed that early diagnosis and management improve quality of life.