Zavion Kotze-Brereton wants to help couples reach wedded bliss with launch of wedding insurance

Renowned wedding and floral designer Zavion Kotze-Brereton and his husband John have launched I Do Insure, which aims to protect couples from possible losses incurred on their wedding day. Supplied image.

Renowned wedding and floral designer Zavion Kotze-Brereton and his husband John have launched I Do Insure, which aims to protect couples from possible losses incurred on their wedding day. Supplied image.

Published Nov 7, 2021


Johannesburg - A couple’s wedding day is one of the most important and expensive events of their lives, but just one simple mishap can cause severe upheaval and ruin the entire occasion.

From storms to wardrobe malfunctions, flopped cakes and unscrupulous suppliers, there are a myriad obstacles that can prevent lovers from strolling into the sunset on their big day.

The devastating waves of Covid-19 infections and related lockdowns have put further strain on the wedding industry over the past two years, leading to major losses for couples as well as the suppliers and venues that were set to help them mark their matrimony.

And while there are scores of insurance options available to cover expenses related to pets, cars, homes and lives, none catered for losses associated with mishaps or cancellations at weddings.

This led acclaimed wedding and floral designer Zavion Kotze-Brereton, together with his husband John, to establish South Africa’s very first wedding insurance cover.

I Do Insure was officially launched in September with the intention of ensuring that the nation’s couples are stress-free on their wedding days.

“In more than a decade in the industry, I’ve seen it all go wrong: from venues liquidating the day before a reception to a guest setting a table alight – and even the event photographer having their camera stolen out of their car, with the one-off photographs disappearing along with it,” Kotze-Brereton told The Saturday Star this week.

“We want couples to be able to relax and enjoy their day, safe in the knowledge that they’re covered for the worst that life can throw at them on the day as they prepare for their life together.”

Kotze-Brereton, who also appeared on local reality television show Wedding Crashers and has worked the weddings of the likes of former Miss Universe Demi-Leigh Tebow, said that while the global health crisis exacerbated their plans to create I Do Insure, it had been years in the making.

Renowned wedding and floral designer Zavion Kotze-Brereton and his husband John have launched I Do Insure, which aims to protect couples from possible losses incurred on their wedding day. Supplied image.

“It was a concept my husband John and I came up with about three years ago and we really just thought about the fact that everyone insures their houses, cars, pets, lives and health – everything, really – but they weren’t able to insure their wedding day,” the prominent wedding florist explained.

“We did some research into it and we approached our broker to have the discussion.”

In order to provide the insurance policies, the Kotze-Breretons then collaborated with Genesis Insurance Brokers in partnership with iTOO Special Risks which is underwritten by The Hollard Insurance Company Limited.

“Having those three partners and their credibility behind I Do Insure is absolutely phenomenal,” he said.

I Do Insure was finally ready to be launched in September and while it is still in its infancy, Kotze-Brereton said it had already received raving reviews.

“We’re focusing on Gauteng at the moment and introducing it to wedding venues and couples and encouraging them to make sure that they protect themselves, but every time we mention it to someone they tell us it’s an incredible concept.

“We’ve enjoyed the process so far and are excited to take it to the wedding industry across the rest of the country.”

The celebrity wedding planner reckons that part of I Do Insure’s success is down to its attention to detail and comprehensiveness.

Renowned wedding and floral designer Zavion Kotze-Brereton and his husband John have launched I Do Insure, which aims to protect couples from possible losses incurred on their wedding day. Supplied image.

“It covers the wedding from start to finish – including the honeymoon and as couples start the planning stages of their wedding, they would take out I Do Insure from that point, because it covers you for so many things.

“This includes if a supplier goes bankrupt and can’t deliver or, for example, if the rings are stolen just before the event, you’re covered.”

He added that one of the other aspects that appeals to couples is that the wedding insurance also factors in any coronavirus challenges and complications.

“If the couple or any member of the immediate wedding party contract Covid-19 in the two weeks before the wedding and the wedding has to be postponed, the postponement fees are covered.”

Kotze-Brereton explained that this is a vital aspect of I Do Insure as the pandemic wreaked havoc within the industry since it erupted in March last year.

“The entire industry has been disrupted and the multiple restrictions and months where we were unable to do anything in the industry affected not only the industry itself but all the couples who were looking forward to celebrating their day.

“Couples, venues and suppliers lost a lot of money – if I Do Insure had existed at the start of the Covid-19 lockdowns, so many people would be in a much better financial place.

“I think it would have been much smoother for everyone and having the financial stress removed would have made such a huge difference. Disruptions of all sorts will continue to affect all of us – which is why we think the development of I Do Insure is essential.”

I Do Insure’s packages, which are based on the pillars of marriage – patience, integrity, respect and adoration – are available at different price points.

The packages cater for weddings with budgets from R50 000 to over R1 million, starting at just over R900 per month for six months, which can be paid in instalments.

“We even have an aspect called Silver Linings Cover where, for example, if it rains on your wedding day and spoils things – your photographs can’t be taken – there’s a financial compensation for the couples.”

As the world begins to emerge from the novel coronavirus, Kotze-Brereton plans on keeping I Do Insure going long after the pandemic subsides.

“We definitely plan to carry on beyond the pandemic, because Covid-19-related elements are just one aspect we cover and there are so many other things that happen leading up to and on the day of the wedding – and the honeymoon can be affected too – so having their financial investment backed gives people peace of mind and makes the special day even more special.”

The Saturday Star

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