A cry for justice grows louder as family members, friends, and advocacy groups demand accountability for the brutal killing of Zakithi Zasemhlungwini Ndaba, who was allegedly shot by her boyfriend.
According to Ndaba’s family, Zakithi was shot on Friday, March 7, at her apartment in The Apollo, Sunninghill, Johannesburg.
Family and friends revealed that Zakithi had endured ongoing abuse at the hands of her boyfriend and father of her child, Aviwe Poswa, which escalated from once a month to a weekly occurrence. They added that she lived in constant fear that he would use his gun on her.
“She always mentioned that Aviwe is abusive. At first, it was every month then it became every week. When he bought his gun, Zakithi called a friend of hers and she was afraid that he might use it. But I think she held onto the memories of them being happy; she hoped they would go back to how happy they used to be.”
After allegedly committing the gruesome act, Poswa, the family told The Star, reportedly informed the mother of the deceased that she was asleep at their apartment while he was out. Fearing the worst and unable to reach her daughter, the mother alerted the police, who later located her.
The family also revealed that the alleged suspect fled to KwaMashu in the deceased's car, having removed the tracking device in an attempt to evade detection.
“Zakithi's mother grew suspicious of her daughter’s well-being after finding out that her car tracking device was removed in KwaZulu-Natal and couldn't reach her. She then alerted the police who discovered her lifeless body at her apartment.”
The alleged suspect handed himself over to the police on March 16 and made his first appearance on Monday, March 17, at the Alexandra Magistrate's Court.
He returned for his second appearance at his bail hearing on March 20, where he was granted bail of R5 000 after confessing to killing her but claiming it was a mistake.
After the alleged suspect was granted bail, the family and friends of Ndaba were left reeling with anger and shock, expressing that they felt betrayed by the justice system.
“We are devastated and outraged that the individual Aviwe Phoswa, who is responsible for brutally taking our beloved sister from us has been granted bail. This decision is not just an insult to her memory but a painful reminder of the failures within our justice system.
“Evidence clearly shows that this was premeditated. He acted with confidence, seemingly assured that his mother would shield him - just as she has allegedly done. A recorded admission from his own friend suggests that she, a medical professional, even encouraged him to flee to Mozambique. He has already demonstrated his disregard for the law, having previously escaped to KZN by stealing a vehicle. And yet, despite all of this, the justice system has allowed him to walk free.
“This is beyond shocking shocking - it is a failure that puts more lives at risk. The reality is chilling: if he was capable of this once, he will do it again. And those closest to him - his sisters, his mother, his female friends - what makes them believe they are safe? What shield do they think will protect them from him? We demand justice. We demand accountability. We refuse to let Zakithi’s voice be silenced,” the family added.
The deceased was a 27-year-old journalism graduate who later pursued studies in hospitality and became a qualified chef at Trumps Grillhouse in Sandton.
Nomusa Ndaba described her sister as a smart, kind young woman and a devoted mother to her 3-year-old daughter, Niana. The deceased was also a businesswoman who co-owned a company, Intombizakithi Sauces, with her sister, Nokubonga.
Ndaba stated that the alleged killer had tormented their sister for years, relentlessly threatening her with the cruel promise that if she ever left him, he would rip their child away from her.
“Our sister was physically and mentally abused for years. He used to threaten to take her child away if she leaves him, he used to threaten to kill her if she left him,” she said.
Here’s more on what the family shared: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DHa-WUGNX9a/?igsh=MWswd2k5NzZtMmQzZw%3D%3D
Those close to her shared that the deceased was kind, driven, and lived for her daughter.
“She loved her daughter deeply, she was beautiful, outgoing, bubbly, and always a goofball. She had a great sense of humour, knew how to listen, and was always there to support her loved ones. Zakithi was loyal to those she cared about and made sure they knew how much she loved them. She had so much to live for. Zakithi was a breath of fresh air, a lover who gave her heart fully to those she loved.”
Ndaba's funeral took place on March 15 in Estcourt, KwaZulu-Natal.
WomenForChange also took to social media to rally support for Zakithi under the hashtag #JusticeforZakithi, urging their followers to stand with the Ndaba family: 'Please stand with Zakithi’s family in court on March 20. Let’s ensure Aviwe Poswa does not receive bail.'
WomenForChange link: https://www.tiktok.com/@womenforchange.sa/video/7480977990495505669
TEARS Foundation also expressed their condolences regarding Zakithi’s senseless murder, stating: ‘No family should have to endure such a profound loss due to gender-based violence.’
“Our hearts at TEARS go out to her child, her sister, and her entire family during this devastating time. No family should have to endure such a profound loss due to gender-based violence.
“This tragedy hits home for all of us, reminding us of the urgent need to speak out against femicide and demand accountability for perpetrators. We must stand together to reaffirm our commitment to ending GBV.”
If you or someone you know is in need of support, remember: help is available. Toll-free line: 08000 83277
The Star