Gerda Steyn calmness personified as she aims to make history at Two Oceans Marathon

FILE - Gerda Steyn crosses the finish line to win the Two Oceans Marathon for the fourth consecutive time in 2023, while breaking her own record in the process. Photo: Phando Jikelo/Independent Media

FILE - Gerda Steyn crosses the finish line to win the Two Oceans Marathon for the fourth consecutive time in 2023, while breaking her own record in the process. Photo: Phando Jikelo/Independent Media

Published Apr 12, 2024


Gerda Steyn was the first athlete to arrive at the Sports Science Institute of South Africa in Newlands for the pre-race media conference of the TotalSports Two Oceans Marathon, a good half hour and a bit before the start.

On Saturday, she is likely to reach the finish line at the University of Cape Town campus way before the rest of the women’s field too.

Such is the immense talent of the four-time champion who is going for a third successive record in the race that she will start as a massive favourite that it would be a surprise if she did not win.

As she always does, Steyn was friendly with everyone as she awaited the beginning of the conference and willingly accepted requests from just about everyone to take pictures with her. Her trademark endearing smile adorning her face, she made the day for most – among those were a duo of fire-fighters who got snapped alongside the starlet declaring ‘this one’s going to be framed’ as he walked way.

Two Oceans women’s champion Gerda Steyn speaks during a media event ahead of the race in Cape Town. Photo: Supplied

What is sure to also be framed is Steyn’s finish – especially if she wins as expected. Her victory will set her apart as the most successful runner in the over half a century’s history of the race aptly referred to as The World’s Most Beautiful Marathon.

Now tied on four wins with both Monica Drogemoeller (1988, 1990, 1991 and 1992) and Elena Nurggalieva (2004, 05, 09 and 12), Steyn is on the verge of an achievement that is unlikely to ever be matched.

Such a feat should have an athlete nervous. But if there are any butterflies in her stomach, Steyn was doing a great job of hiding it at the conference.

Resplendent in the green and yellow tracksuit of her running club Phantane AC, the lass from Bothaville in the Free State exuded excitement as she sat alongside a quartet of women looking to bring her reign to an end.

Even when the microphone she was holding to address the media gave a huge feedback, the Adidas-sponsored athlete remained calm as the majority in the room got startled by the noise.

Of course Irvette Van Zyl is back in the race with the hope to ‘get revenge on Gerda’; Adele Broodryk wants to improve on her eight place finish from last year and hopefully even beat Gerda whom she was runner-up to at the Comrades Marathon; Carla Molinaro wants to take advantage that the race is ‘in my back garden’ and American World 50km Championships runner up Andrea Pomoranski has intentions of using her ‘nervous energy to do well’.

But ait all seemed like water off a duck’s back as Steyn as she sat near them at the top table, seemingly unbothered that she is a marked woman – her focus clearly on running a very fast race.

“I’ve trained well, I am fit and ready. I am anticipating a fast race. I do think that breaking the record is a possibility. I base my confidence on what I’ve seen in the last few months. it is possible because of the strong competition. It will be a fast race and if it pushes me to run beyond any limit to win it, I will do it.”

If anything seemed to have Steyn worried ahead of the race, it was picking up an airborne virus prior to the race, the champion putting on a mask while sitting in the auditorium while waiting for the press conference to start.

Even that though did not stop her from mingling with those who wanted to have pictures taken with her. And you can bet she will be engaging her fans as she tries to run into the Two Oceans record books Saturday morning.


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