WATCH: Actress Shoki Mmola breaks silence on domestic abuse

South African actress Shoki Mmola. Picture: Instagram

South African actress Shoki Mmola. Picture: Instagram

Published Aug 30, 2024


South African actress Shoki Mmola was a recent guest on “King David Studio Podcast,” where she discussed the harrowing abuse she experienced during her marriage to actor Sello Sebotsana.

The conversation shed light on the challenges she faced and the steps she has taken towards healing.

Mmola revealed that early in her relationship with Sebotsana, she noticed troubling signs but was uncertain how to address them.

Reflecting on her upbringing, she shared that her lack of a traditional family structure might have left her vulnerable.

“I think the lack of a biological family was probably one of the things that compromised me in that situation,” Shoki said.

The actress detailed the emotional and physical abuse she endured. She recounted an alarming incident when Sebotsana, under the influence of alcohol, violently attacked her.

“I was working and he asked to speak to me. I think he had been drinking, and when I said not now, maybe tomorrow, and I was saying that in a fighting mode, he broke the glass and said we would speak now.”

She continued: “As big as he was, he sat on my lap, choked and punched me. That night, I felt nothing; it was as if he was not beating me up enough. When he was beating me up, I told him to hit me harder.”

Despite the severity of the violence, Mmola described feeling emotionally detached. She also spoke about her motivation for staying in the marriage.

“I never had a proper family structure. I wanted that for my kids and future,” she explained. Her desire to provide her children with a stable family environment was a significant factor in her decision to remain in the relationship for as long as she did.

Mmola also addressed the impact of the abuse on her children, revealing that they were aware of the situation. Seeking therapy was a crucial step for her, and she even included her children's nanny in the process to ensure a comprehensive support system.

Mmola’s brave revelations on the podcast highlighted the severe effects of gender-based violence and the importance of seeking help.