WATCH: Father’s reaction to his son making him a shirt leaves X users in the feels

The boy made a shirt for his father and he loved it. Picture: Pexels.

The boy made a shirt for his father and he loved it. Picture: Pexels.

Published Jan 11, 2024


Mosg people who pursue fashion design usually start from a young age. You’d find that they lived with someone who was a seamstress, or they started making clothes for themselves or their loved ones while they were still at school.

There is a video of a young boy circulating on social media, where he made a shirt for his father.

The video, which has clocked up over 23 million views, has charmed X users.

The boy, who looks around 10 or 11, is already taking sewing classes and going by what he made, he’s bound to go far in the fashion industry.

Speaking to his father as he gracefully held the shirt, he explained that he made the buttons and the button holes and, although he got help, he did most of the work by himself.

The father was so impressed he asked to try it on. Although the collar was not perfect, he loved his new shirt because it was the correct size with a cool pattern.

He asked his son if he could wear it to dinner and praised him for being so talented.

Watch the full video below

People on social media were touched by the father’s reaction.

“His son will remember this until his last breath. Dad wasn't fake gushing. He was man to man' proud of his son. I want to hug them both. Thank you for posting. This made my day,” commented @ProLifeisProGod.

Others commended the little guy for being so talented.

“This little guy is so talented!! He was absolutely beaming with pride seeing his Dad wear the shirt he made for him. He did such an amazing job, and I hope he keeps creating awesome clothing like this. Good job!” said @LuxMeaMundiAM.

More parents can learn a thing or two from the father on how to support and nurture their children’s talents.