WATCH: One family's Thanksgiving hack of washing potatoes in dishwasher has left the internet irked

One family has introduced the internet to an unconventional method of washing potatoes. Picture: Pexels

One family has introduced the internet to an unconventional method of washing potatoes. Picture: Pexels

Published Dec 1, 2023


Thanksgiving is wonderful. It is a time of gathering with the people who are precious and celebrate gratitude and love.

It is a time where families and friends come together, put their differences aside, and tell one another exactly how thankful they are for the blessings they bestow on each one’s lives and how enriched they are because of their presence.

It is one of the most cherished days of the year in the US. But it is also a gigantic pain in the neck. As beautiful as the spirit of the holiday is, there is much to be done in the way of cooking, planning, and masterfully perfecting the art of a deliciously roasted turkey.

So any tips or tricks for alleviating some of that “Turkey Day” stress are always helpful.

Recently, one family introduced the internet to an unconventional method of washing potatoes.

In an Instagram video, two women demonstrate how large quantities of potatoes can be efficiently washed in the dishwasher. In the video, the women position potatoes out of three small bags on both the top and bottom racks of the dishwasher.

They discuss the time-saving aspect, emphasising that handwashing would have been a much more time-consuming task.

When the person behind the camera asks about the addition of detergent, one of the women clarifies that they will not be using any detergent for this process.

After this, they set the dishwasher on rinse mode and all the potatoes are washed in just four minutes.

Despite the creators' confidence in the effectiveness of their hack, the online community's response was not too favourable towards this unusual approach to potato washing.

One user wrote: “You truly cannot eat at everybody’s house.”

A second user wrote: “That is really so gross. And what about the residue that was left in the little area where you put your dishwashing cleaning pod? I can’t even and don’t want to even think about that. No, thank you. Not interested in eating those potatoes.”

A third commented: “Another ridiculous kitchen hack… just to get a moment on social media.”

A fourth said she was “both confused and disgusted”.