Twitter now allows scheduled tweets and tweet drafts from web app

Twitter has been testing tweet schedule for quite some time now and the company announced that the feature allows you to schedule a tweet File picture: AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Twitter has been testing tweet schedule for quite some time now and the company announced that the feature allows you to schedule a tweet File picture: AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Published May 29, 2020


Have you ever had a great idea, but could not find the right words to put together for your tweet? Or have you ever had a perfect tweet you wanted to put out at a specific time? Well, all your questions have been answered...Twitter just launched a feature for its web app.

Twitter has been testing tweet schedule for quite some time now and the company announced that the feature allows you to schedule a tweet but it should be in a time frame of about a year and 6 months. 

This is how the schedule tweet works: Type out your tweet then click the calendar icon. You should be able to see the date, time zone and a specific time for your tweet. After setting up your schedule tweet, press the confirm button and you are set to go. From here on, you can set multiple tweets to go off at the same or different times.

The new feature is very convenient as sometimes you would want to post tweets at a specific time to gain more traction/engagements and it can come in handy for ‘social media influencers’ wanting to promote a certain product/event but may not be able to do it at that specific time due to other engagements.

Twitter also added ‘save a draft’ tweet on its web app. This is how it works: Press the ‘x’ button at the top left of your compose window and click on the ‘save’ button for when you want to return to it, to return to it simply open the compose window and you will be able to see ‘unsent tweets’ click on it and you will be able to resume from where you left off. But the save drafts on the web app are not yet synchronized with the mobile app.


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