More aid for Palestine people

Published Oct 15, 2023


CONCERNED citizens joining the clarion call of voices across the globe calling for an end to the attack on the Palestinian people have called for more aid to be given to help with defence efforts.

Scores of South Africans who have joined the international community in calling for an end to the siege of Gaza, descended on the Rose Avenue Park in Lenasia yesterday to take part in the walk for freedom in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Under the slogan "Walk for Freedom. United Against Apartheid Israel", more than 3000 people made their way through the streets of Lenasia chanting and waving the Palestinian flag.

President of the African Radical Economic Transformation Alliance (Areta) Carl Niehaus, among those who participated in the walk, said the party held the belief that in terms of international law and also in terms of the various resolutions of the United Nations, the people of Palestine had a right to defend themselves against the terrible repression by the State of Israel.

"They have a right to defend themselves by taking up arms against the state of Israel. We support the people of Palestine's right to defend themselves against the thriving aggression and to stand up and take up arms against the State of Israel.

"The solidarity of the Palestinian people with our Struggle against racist apartheid in South Africa must be reciprocated by supporting the Palestinian people in their legitimate struggle against Israeli colonialism and the way they have been denied their right to the indigenous land," he said.

In addition to the walk, Niehaus, said Areta, alongside the Palestine Support Alliance, the EFF and many other political parties would be picketing outside the Israeli embassy in Lynnwood, Pretoria today.

According to the Struggle veteran, they would demand the Israeli embassy to be closed down and for the South African government to give all support to Palestinians, including arming them and giving them the necessary means to defend themselves.

Shaheen Khan, an activist from Potch for Palestine, said as many as 21 organisations religious, social and civic organisations, trade unions and working-class organisations had gathered on Friday to call for Potchefstroom to support the Palestinian people and for all ties with Israeli to be cut without further delay.

He said even in townships and informal settlements the message and injustice of what was happening to the Palestinian people was recognised and was gaining momentum in every corner.

Mametlwe Sebei, president of the General Industries Workers Union of SA, addressing attendees, said they were firmly behind the Palestinians as they were fighting a just war for their land, country and democratic right to their own state.

"In this war there cannot be a question of where we stand;we must say it’s a just war and we stand with them with unquestionable solidarity.“

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