Teen Suicide Prevention Week assists families to do a ‘check in’ with teens

Psychiatrist Dr Marshinee Naidoo said that the stigma around mental health can prevent troubled teenagers from seeking support from those closest to them Picture: Pixabay

Psychiatrist Dr Marshinee Naidoo said that the stigma around mental health can prevent troubled teenagers from seeking support from those closest to them Picture: Pixabay

Published Feb 13, 2023


Johannesburg - The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (Sadag) sheds light on teen suicide as February 12–19, 2023, marks Teen Suicide Prevention Week to assist families in doing a mental health "check in" with teenagers.

Following a string of teen suicide reports across the country, the organisation says it is pivotal to confront this maturing challenge.

News about a child as young as 10 who died by suicide has sparked major concerns about ways to prevent suicide.

It is also revealed that there are numerous more cases just like these that have not been reported, an important reminder that issues of mental health are still stigmatised and shamed.

According to Sadag, the symptoms of depression and anxiety are so widespread that they frequently go unnoticed until it is too late.

It is reported that teens are dealing with a variety of difficulties, including relationship problems, trauma, depression, loss, bullying, and family struggles. These problems often combine to make a teen feel overwhelmed, helpless, and hopeless.

Teens often feel guilty and do not want to burden their friends or family with their problems, making the need to do regular check-ins even more important.

"There is still a lot of stigma and fear around suicide; many parents and teachers are afraid that if they talk about suicide to teens that it could cause them to take their life."

Sadag’s board deputy chairman and clinical psychologist Zamo Mbele explains: "Research shows that talking about suicide with a young person does not cause them to have thoughts of suicide or wanting to end their lives."

"However, the danger comes from not talking about it, which can lead to thoughts of suicide turning into actions."

"Talking about suicide and depression creates an opportunity to discuss feelings and thoughts that might have remained hidden. Most teens who are thinking about suicide are, in fact, honest and relieved when asked direct questions about their suicidal thoughts or feelings. Informing and empowering parents and teachers about how to have these conversations with teens is the first step to preventing teen suicide.

"You can do these check ins any time during the day— Normalise having these chats during everyday activities: while driving to school, when you're preparing meals, waiting in a queue, or going for a walk outside. It doesn’t have to be a scary conversation, and the more you incorporate them into your day-to-day, the more you make these conversations more natural and less like a serious family meeting. Teens will then learn that talking about their feelings are normal and okay and that you are a safe space to talk to about their emotions," says Sadag operations director Cassey Chambers.

The Star

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