Our aspirations for 2024

Flora Teckie

Flora Teckie

Published Dec 28, 2023


Flora Teckie

We are starting a new year with joy and expectation, with aspirations for a better world, and a peaceful, just and environmentally sustainable future.

Lasting joy, peace and prosperity result from material achievements reinforced by spiritual perfections and service to the common good.

In the Bahá’í view, spiritual transformation is the basis for lasting improvements in our lives and central in our approach to social change. The changes necessary towards creating peaceful, just and prosperous communities will be possible by using the moral and spiritual principles which empower us to act in the long-term interests of our communities and humanity.

“The profound and far-reaching changes, the unity and unprecedented cooperation” the Bahá’í International Community says, “will only be possible by touching the human spirit, by appealing to those universal values which alone can empower individuals and peoples to act in accordance with the long- term interests of the planet and humanity as a whole. Once tapped, this powerful and dynamic source of individual and collective motivation will release such a profound and salutary spirit among the peoples of the earth that no power will be able to resist its unifying force”.

Our spiritual dimension can be understood, in practical terms, as the source of qualities that help us rise above narrow self-interest. We are all endowed with innate spiritual capacities, the development of which is critical to human advancement. The capacities are capacities of the human soul, which is eternal. Such qualities include love, compassion, forbearance, trustworthiness, courage, humility, co-operation and willingness to sacrifice for the common good – qualities that are required for building a unified world civilisation.

One has to also remember that, as the Bahá’í International Community states, “The fundamental spiritual truth of our age is the oneness of humanity”. Universal acceptance of this principle implies the oneness of all races, nations and ethnic groups, equality of men and women, and universal education. Application of the principle of the oneness of humanity will lead to social and economic justice, global peace and collective security.

There is a close link between the practical and spiritual aspects of our lives. The body is the instrument of the soul’s development in this earthly life. As such, physical health and development cannot be neglected. Material means are essential for humanity to be able to pursue its goals, as long as we use our material means towards the primary goal in life, which is fostering our soul’s progress, and contributing towards the betterment of our communities.

The Bahá’í Writings state that “until material achievements, physical accomplishments and human virtues are reinforced by spiritual perfections, luminous qualities and characteristics of mercy, no fruit or result shall issue therefrom, nor will the happiness of the world of humanity, which is the ultimate aim, be attained”.

Thus, the same way as we improve and transform our material surroundings for the new year, we also need to focus on spiritual transformation and the development of our spiritual capacities. Among the factors that contribute to the development of our spiritual qualities are prayer, reflection, the willingness to learn, and constant daily effort. Serving humanity is another factor that contributes to our spiritual development.

In this new year, may we all be enabled to fulfil our high and noble aspirations; experience lasting joy and happiness in our homes, workplaces and in our communities; and may we each and all be able to contribute our share towards building a peaceful and prosperous world civilisation.

Flora Teckie is a professional architect, a Bahá’í Faith follower, and spiritual columnist.

The Star

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