There’s nothing world class about Joburg, it has turned into a slum

Over the years, since the ANC has come to power, we have seen the old Johannesburg CBD become a slum, says the writer. Picture: Dumisani Sibeko

Over the years, since the ANC has come to power, we have seen the old Johannesburg CBD become a slum, says the writer. Picture: Dumisani Sibeko

Published Mar 29, 2021


By Dr Peter C Barker

On my daily commute to work, I witness a steady deterioration of just about every measure of the maintenance and functionality of my city, Johannesburg, which claims to be a “World Class African City.” This is a joke.

We are just an African city, period, and that is an insult to Africa.

There is nothing about Johannesburg that is world class.

Over the years, since the ANC has come to power, we have seen the old Johannesburg CBD become a slum.

That slumification has now started encroaching on the once beautiful suburbs.

The slums like Alexandra township are still slums, and even worse.

Our storm water system is non-functional and driving through waterlogged streets is the norm in Johannesburg.

Our parks and roadside embellishments are a joke and in total collapse.

Other than the work gangs which cut the hay in some of the parks along Nicol twice a year, I have yet to see a single maintenance or repair crew doing anything. Zilch. Yet, I hear that the ANC has hired another 100 cadres to take up positions doing more of nothing for the city. They are vote fodder only.

It's time that we residents stop paying through the nose for services we are not receiving.

Take a tip from the two NW Province villages of Koster and Swartruggens and the KZN village of Mandeni which will be withholding portions of their rates and taxes for which they are paying for services not received.

The end game in Johannesburg, as well as in every other dysfunctional municipality nationwide, is that we should return to regional governance and service delivery.

We don’t need a bloated municipality of ANC cadres who serve no purpose other than as ANC functionaries.

We the people can and will do it ourselves.

The Star

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city of joburg