Zanu-PF must improve conditions in the country so Zimbabweans can go home



Published Aug 23, 2021


By Tapiwa Muskwe

I fee abashed that Zimbabweans are now living in almost every country on this planet. They are in South Africa, Jamaica, the UK, France, Iceland, Dubai and Caribbean countries.

This is because conditions in Zimbabwe are more than hell. The include raw sewage in urban areas, hospitals without electricity and resources, bridges which collapsed, and cash machines that no longer function.

Every country to go, you will bump into Zimbabwe migrants. The beleaguered Zanu-PF government should change the situation urgently by improving standards of living in Zimbabwe and provide at least basic items.

President Mnangagwa should start improving the economic and social circumstances in Zimbabwe and stop being selfish. Scattered Zimbabweans should come back to Zimbabwe.

The Zimbabwean president should be forced to resign if he fails to resuscitate the economy of the country. Zimbabweans who invaded other countries should also pile pressure on the Zanu-PF government so they can go back to their country of birth.

The Star

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