South African short film producer wins international award

Dr Kiresh Bedhesi

Dr Kiresh Bedhesi

Published Apr 17, 2024


Dr Kiresh Bedhesi won the Best Crime Drama award for his short film, Wilting of the Blood Orchid, at the Night of Drama Shorts 2024 in Milan, Italy.

Bedhesi, 29, lives and runs his company - Mad Doc Pictures - from Cape Town.

“I grew up with strict parents, so they always ensured I focused on academics rather than watching movies. I always had a love for film and finally decided to pursue it when I had my independence,” said Bedhesi.

“I chose the name Mad Doc Pictures because I am a qualified medical doctor. I studied medicine and then practiced as an intern for three years, but my true passion was always film. Even while an intern, I used to shoot short films with my friends."

He said the film was a form of art and art was life-changing.

"It is the best form of inspiration and I want to create things that evoke emotion and inspire people.”

Bedhesi said Wilting of the Blood Orchid was a short crime drama about an alcoholic businessman whose brother was killed.

"The drama is that all fingers point to his own wife as the culprit. This was the first short film that I created professionally, and it was officially released in December last year.

“The film was self-funded. I was in pre-production, while working as a general practitioner in Kuilsriver. The other co-producers are Kwanda Mnqasela and Perkin John Leukes. The cast includes Royston Stoffels, James Stoffeberg and Chante Holloway."

He said he uploaded the film to numerous platforms.

"When I saw that my film met the requirements for the Night of Drama Shorts competition, I also entered it there. I was unable to attend the festival in Milan but when I found out that I won, I was excited because I had been rejected by other international film festivals. Finally, now, someone recognised my movie."

Bedhesi is currently working on a new film - The Water Maker - in Misty Cliffs, Cape Town. It is expected to be released at the end of the year.

The Night of Drama Shorts is an international film festival, showcasing short drama films from around the world. ‘Wilting of the Blood Orchid’ was the only winner from Africa.


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