Drunken ballerina kicked cop in groin after missing her flight

The dancer, who performed in the prestigious Spanish Victor Ullate Ballet company, was found to have a lock knife in her bag when she was arrested at the airport. Picture: YouTube.com

The dancer, who performed in the prestigious Spanish Victor Ullate Ballet company, was found to have a lock knife in her bag when she was arrested at the airport. Picture: YouTube.com

Published Sep 19, 2019


London - A ballerina who kicked a policeman in the groin after downing vodka in an airport pub was jailed on Wednesday.

Daiana Andreas Rivera, 33, was spotted staggering around Heathrow after missing her flight.

She had been due to fly home to Madrid but had lost her passport.

When officers approached her and asked her to leave the airport she lashed out, deliberately scratching two officers with her long fingernails and kicking a third in the groin.

The dancer, who performed in the prestigious Spanish Victor Ullate Ballet company, was also found to have a lock knife in her bag when she was arrested on August 7.

On Wednesday Rivera was jailed for two months as Judge Sarah Paneth told her: "'Being hit' in the groin might be regarded as amusing on the cricket field in the course of the Ashes Test match, but it is very far from that when it is committed during an arrest." 

The classical dancer has performed in "Romeo and Juliet", "Coppelia" and "Swan Lake", Isleworth Crown Court in West London heard. She had been suffering with depression since splitting up with her boyfriend and losing her home in London as a consequence.

Judge Paneth said: "You had, that day, a great deal to drink. First, at work, at about 3pm three vodkas, and then one more at your friend’s house, and then more at the bar when you missed your flight."

Prosecutor Ruxana Nasser said: "The defendant was at the airport to take a flight. She missed her flight because she lost her passport and was late.

"Police arrived at Terminal 2 for another matter and found the defendant very drunk, looking for her passport with another person with her. Due to her behaviour and the fact she was no longer a passenger, they asked her to leave and she refused."

As she was being loaded into the police van, Rivera dragged her nails down two officers’ arms. She then kicked the third policeman in the groin. The prosecutor went on: "She was kicking with her legs. In particular she kicked him in the left testicle.

"He said it was very painful and made him feel nauseated."

Mike Hollis, defending, said the knife had been placed in Rivera’s bag by her ex-boyfriend a month earlier. "He physically put it in her bag. She had forgotten she had it," he added.

Despite being jailed for two months, Rivera is expected to be released imminently because of time she has already served in custody since her arrest.

Daily Mail

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