How to travel like a vegan

Find destinations that are vegan-friendly. Pictured is cork products sold in Portugal. Picture: Supplied.

Find destinations that are vegan-friendly. Pictured is cork products sold in Portugal. Picture: Supplied.

Published Nov 1, 2019


As a vegan, you change a lot about how you live in this world, including how you travel.

According to World Atlas, more than a third of the world’s population is vegetarian, and the rise in the numbers of people switching to a vegan lifestyle has increased by 550 percent over the last five years.

Both Forbes magazine and The Economist declared 2019 to be the Year of the Vegan. Being a vegan is much more than changing to a plant-based diet, it requires a lifestyle change. Whether you are vegan or vegan-curious, The Travel Corporation has some tips and tricks to help you on your journey.

Finding a place to eat

“It is relatively easy to find good vegetarian fare in countries like India, Israel and much of Asia,” says Teresa Richardson, Managing Director for The Travel Corporation, who is a vegan. “As much as 38% of the population in India is vegetarian and of these non-meat eaters ten per cent are fully-fledged vegans,” she adds. 

The global vegan app, Happy Cow, is a fantastic way to find vegan or vegetarian-friendly restaurants and hotels adds Teresa.

With the growth in veganism more and more countries and cities are offering vegan dining options

Top cities

Veganism is on the rise in Germany, especially among millennials. As of 2018, 1 in 5 Germans between the ages of 16-24 bought meat alternatives regularly making this country in the top 10 where veganism is growing in popularity.

“The vegan scene in Berlin is incredible with the city sporting over 300 vegetarian and vegan restaurants at the last count”, says Richardson. “Not only have the restaurants embraced the trend, but Berliners themselves are also embracing and practising a vegan lifestyle.” 

Air travel 

Airlines have certainly come to the party too. The vegan or plant-based meals on offer are delicious. Of course, you do need to book this as a ‘special meal’, but it is well worth the effort.


Being a vegan is much more than removing animal products from your diet, it is also about leading a cruelty-free life. Vegan travellers will eschew the type of travel that is not ethical or animal-friendly, and opt for experiences that respect animal rights.

Being cruelty-free extends to the type of face creams you use, the shoes you wear and what your luggage is made of. “Suffice to say fur and leather are out of the picture,” says Richardson, “I recently bought a beautiful cork handbag on my last trip to Portugal.”

Conscious travel

Apart from respecting animal rights and welfare another reason why many switch to veganism involves saving our environment. Anyone seeking to live a more sustainable or eco-friendly lifestyle cannot help but question the impact of their food choices on the environment.

It’s no secret that vegans also have a positive effect on climate change. According to the for every year spent living a vegan lifestyle 1.5 million litres of water and 3072 kg’s of Carbon Dioxide are saved, plus countless animals are not eaten.

At TTC we’re proud to encourage travellers to explore the planet positively and sustainably. On many of our trips guests have the option to give back to the communities they travel to and through. Through the TreadRight Foundation, we guide travellers on how to become ambassadors for good.

“It isn’t all plain sailing when you’re a vegan and want to experience the world through travel. But it certainly is worth the effort,” Richardson concludes.

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