Same sex marriages now allowed on Bermuda ships

The Azura, where the first same-sex marriage will take place. Photo: P&O Cruises

The Azura, where the first same-sex marriage will take place. Photo: P&O Cruises

Published Aug 1, 2017


A British company has become the first cruise service that will now offer it's passengers of same-sex orientation the opportunity to get married aboard the ship. 

According to Breaking Travel News (BTN),  P & O Cruises has become the first British cruise line to be able to conduct same sex weddings at sea, with the first ceremony to be held in the Caribbean in January 2018. 

A recent Supreme Court ruiling has enabled same-sex marriages in Bermuda, where all the ships in this fleet, except the Britannia, are registered. Bookings have now been opened  and the first wedding will be held on the  Azura. The ceremony will be performed by the ship's captain and the marriage license will be issued by Bermuda. 

 Speaking to BTN, P&O Cruises senior vice president, Paul Ludlow, said: “I am delighted that following this much anticipated change in the legalities we are now the first British cruise line to be able to arrange same sex weddings on board.

“Weddings at sea are very romantic and getting married by the captain in the middle of the ocean is an unforgettable experience.”

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